Baby Justice (Day 1)

Start from the beginning


He gives a grin before he disappears through the zeta-tube. "Recognized: Batman, 02."

"That cocky bastard," I growl. I look down at the peaceful sleeping Robin. "He's so small." I sigh.

~I'll help you find them,~ Wolf says, turning to me.

"If Batman expects me to look for the others, he's mistaken," I admit. "I'm not gonna waste my time finding them."

~You're not worried about them?~

"Nope. Alright, baby bird, let's go watch some tv or something." I begin to walk toward the living room, only to get an idea and turn back around, summoning up a holographic computer. I turn on the speaker system and begin talking. "You may as well come out because I'm not going to come look for you. I'm going to watch tv. If you wanna keep hiding, go ahead, I don't care." I throw the screen away and head to the living room with Wolf following behind. As soon as I arrive, Wally is there, jumping on the couch.

"What we watching?" he asks.

"Let's see what's on," I say, adjusting Robin in one arm and grabbing the remote. "Wally?"


"Where are the others?"

"I don't know," he giggles.

"How about you go find them?" I suggest. "If you find them all, I'll give you candy."



"Yay!" he squeals then disappears.

"Good to know he still has powers and that their outfits shrunk with them." I sit on the couch, getting Robin situated in my lap. "Oh, I'm so getting pictures of this." I pull out my phone and take a few pictures of Robin.

Wally zips back. "I can't find them."

"Recognized: Red Arrow, B06."

"Yes! He's here!" I cheer and speed over to the zeta-tubes.

"Who are you and how did you get in here?" RA huffs, pulling out his bow and aiming an arrow at me.

"I'm Bolt. I'm sure the others have told you about me."

"Bolt? You look, different than what I imagined."

I smirk. "Sexier, right, Red Arrow?"

He ignores me. "Call me Roy when we're not in the field. Why do you have a baby?" Roy asks, putting up his bow.

I hand Robin to him. "Be back later! I got some errands to run."

"What?! You can't just leave me here with your baby! I don't know how to take care of one!"

I race into the zeta-tubes, typing in the coordinates. "By the way, the baby is Robin. Have fun with the rest of them!" I give a two finger salute with a wink before disappearing.

"Recognized: Bolt, B08."

"Alright, where should I head first."

"Candy store!" a small voice beside me shouts.

I nearly jump out of my skin as I turn to face Wally. "Wally! You little snot!" I grab him and put him to my hip. "You were supposed to stay with Roy."

"I like you more."

"You've known Roy longer."

"But you're pretty."

I chuckle. "You're definitely Wally." I sigh and pull out my communicator to call the cave.

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