THINGS GOT A little out of hand halfway through flipping pancakes on the skillet. One moment we were both dancing around to 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams and next thing I know Hannah slipped on a dollop of pancake batter and fell on her butt. I laughed so hard I swear I almost dropped the whole bowl of batter.

Hannah of course, being Hannah, smirked evilly at me before reaching into the bag of flour and throwing it at me. I fell into a coughing fit, and ignoring Hannah's contagious laughter, I righted myself and grabbing a spoonful of Nutella and smearing it on her face. 

"Elle!" she shrieked. I was too distracted that I didn't notice her come up behind me until I felt the crack of an egg on my head. 

Gasping as the slimy liquid slipped down my hair, I picked up the ladle spoon I was using to scoop the batter onto the skillet and splashed it all over her. Together we reached for the bag of flour, but our tugging only resulting in ripping it open and launching the white powder everywhere. 

As we sat laughing at the mess we'd made, the sound of the smoke detector went off and Hannah and I sprang to our feet. Hannah covered her ears from the loud noise while I fought to snap out of the shock. On the stove was a fire, the flames reaching for something to burn. "Shit!"

"Shit shit shit shit!" Hannah repeated as she scrambled around the kitchen looking for something to put the flame out.

"What the hell is going on?!" a strong, masculine voice shouted over the noise of the smoke detector. "Fuck!" Max exclaimed when he saw the fire. 

He ran forward, but in his haste he slipped on the mess of egg and flour on the floor. If we weren't in such a serious situation, I would have laughed at the expression on his face as he gripped the kitchen island to not fall to the floor. He reached under the sink and pulling out the fire extinguisher, he aimed it at the stove. Unfortunately for Hannah and I, Max never had an accurate aim and we ended up covered in the white foam stuff that shoots out of the nozzle. 

Hannah and I shrieked and covered our faces until the fire was out and Max put down the extinguisher. "Are you guys fucking kidding me?"

We flinched at his tone but said nothing else because, let's face it, we screwed up. "Hannah, how could you let her cook? Everyone knows Elle could burns water!"

"Hey!" I said with a frown. I looked up into his eyes and noticed the smile threatening to break free. "That's not fair, I make a killer a milk and cereal combo."

The seriousness in the room melted away when Max gave a groan and leaned back into the island shaking with laughter. "What?!" I demanded as I strutted forward. "What is so funny?"

"You--You should see your face. My God this place's a mess!" I gave in and laughed with him, Hannah soon joining in. I gave a pout and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Whatever, I had the situation under control."

"Yeah, and how's that? By running around screaming 'shit'?" my jaw fell slack at the insult. I so had it under control. 

Bending down to fist some flour that was on the floor, I gave Hannah a look and she sneakily picked up an egg from behind her on the counter. She gave me a nod and together we lunged forward to attack her asshole brother. 

Hannah and I roared with laughter at the look on his face. "You have all of two seconds to run away."

"Or what?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. He shot me a wicked look.

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