Chapter 10 | Gathering Forces

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The tree house was beautifully small and serene. Vines with white blossoms had wound themselves around the logs from which it was built, entwining themselves tightly like passionate lovers in the night. In the gaps between, the Sunlight was breaking through, scattering beams around the house haphazardly. Everything was still and so peaceful. You wish you could have stayed there forever but you could not.

You reluctantly followed JR down the ladder until you had both reached the forest's ground. Turning, you saw vast groups of fairies, gathered and hovering in a semi-circle before you. Then out from the forest's darkness, people dressed in armour and bearing weapons such as swords began to emerge, one after another until there were countless numbers of them. From their ears you instantly knew they were Elven. This was further confirmed the moment Dohyun appeared and you smiled, happy to see a familiar face once more.

'Your Highness, I did as you commanded and have brought with me soldiers from our realm,' Dohyun bowed before JR. 'I know you asked for a handful only, but Grinkel has been gathering his forces and I fear he is about to start a war bigger than we may have anticipated-" JR placed a hand upon Dohyun's shoulder, giving him a warm smile in return.
'Thank you Dohyun. You have always been a faithful servant and a loyal friend to me, I don't know how I could ever repay you for your wisdom and guidance.'
'Your Highness?' Dohyun looked at JR, puzzled, and you watched as JR stepped away from Dohyun and addressed the rest of the soldiers and fairies.

'Fellow Elves and fairy folk who have gathered, I thank you for your protection, your aid and your courage today,' you folded your arms and leant against the back of the tree which contained the tree house, listening carefully to JR's speech.
'For too long has Aranthi suffered. Each of us here today has a tale to tell, a story of loss and of pain, grief caused by the goblins. However, we must acknowledge that not all the goblin folk are as cruel and as vindictive as Grinkel is and these innocent goblin folk are the ones who have suffered most by his hand.' JR stood tall and you watched admiringly as he spoke so clearly and confidently, trying to inspire and encourage everyone through his words.
'I ask you today, not as your King but as a fellow citizen of Aranthi if you still have the courage to fight nobly against such corrupt powers. Do you have it within you to bring justice to our world? Because I know for sure that each and every being stood here today has a fight so strong within them that we can surely win this war. For all those loved ones lost, for all those homes broken, let us keep them all in our thoughts as we head for the final battle. I cannot promise you that we will all survive this, but we need to desperately salvage a safer land, if not for ourselves then for future generations. We can cannot let Grinkel and his forces win.'
'But Your Highness,' an Elven soldier timidly stepped forward, a bow in his hand and a quiver slung across his shoulder. 'How can we possibly win against Grinkel when the Legend has not been fulfilled?' There were murmurs as others began to whisper. Your gaze fell to the forest's ground, a knot of anxiety tightening inside of you.
'In due time,' JR replied, not really answering his question.
'But that time is now, Your Highness. Where is our Queen?' The soldier's voices grew louder, clearly worried and distressed by a lack of an answer.
'Friends,' JR put his hands up in an attempt to gather their attention once more but to no avail. Their concern had sent everyone spiralling into a frenzy. All of their fears and apprehensions now had an unyielding grasp upon them meaning there was very little JR could do to distract them. Chewing on your bottom lip, you stepped forward and stood by JR's side. He glanced across at you but you ignored him as you tried to calm your nerves. Then, you took a deep breath before you spoke loudly.

'Our King spoke just now of a safer land, of loved ones lost and of broken homes.'
'Who are you?' Another Elven soldier stepped forward and boldly asked.
'It doesn't matter who I am,' you flippantly replied. 'But I am a friend, I am here to help.'
'Your Highness, is she human?' the Elven soldier asked JR.
',' JR stuttered in reply and you sensed his nervousness straight away.
'Is she the chosen one?' A young fairy asked, her tone hopeful
'Is she the Elf Queen?' Everyone's tone had now changed as they all excitedly whispered and shared their delight at this revelation. Groaning in annoyance, you took a deep breath before addressing the soldiers and fairies once more, ignoring the buzz your speaking had created. You had not denied being the queen but nor had you accepted it. It was still a topic you did not feel comfortable with but perhaps after all of this was over, you could discuss it properly with JR again.
'Everyone, Grinkel is here with his army. I have seen just how vicious they can be and have felt the brunt of their force. He is ruthless and he will stop at nothing until...well, until his enemies are eradicated,' you carefully worded. 'If we don't stand together now and fight against him then...'
At that moment, you noticed a small yellow fairy break away from the rest of the group and fly over to you. Holding your hand out the way JR had earlier, you watched as she daintily landed within it and bowed. Then she rose to her feet and looked at you, her pale, round face watching you, looking for something, but you did not know what.
'I can see that you are hesitant,' she told you, her sweet voice melting your heart like butter. 'I can see it in your eyes, just how fearful you are of future events but you mustn't be afraid.' Lifting her up closer to your face, you peered down at her. She looked a little like the fairy who had been in your dream but her hair was shorter. It seemed that beauty and delicacy was something all fairies possessed.
'Soon, your heart will know for sure the path you shall lead, but remember that there is no greater sacrifice than a life for a life.' You were about to question her about these riddles she spoke, but you were stopped by an unknown sound.
Everyone's ears pricked up. There was a distinct echo of a foghorn in the near distance. Then silence. Moments later, a fairy flew thick and fast out of the canopy of the trees in front of you and paused, hovering just in front of JR. He held his hand out and she fell within his palms, breathless and panting heavily.
'Your Highness. Grinkel's forces. They have arrived.' Grumbling could be heard sweeping across the soldiers and fairy folk. 'They have opened up a worm hole. Just by the forest's edge." The grumbling faded and the atmosphere turned tense. 'And Your Highness, he has with him a legion of at least three hundred goblins.
'Three hundred?' One of the Elven soldiers asked, his voice shaking. 'But we are hardly eighty Elven soldiers.'
'The tree folk and fairies tried to keep them at bay but many lost their lives,' the little fairy continued. 'Alas, the goblins have all arrived from the other side and Grinkel sent a message.'
'What is the message?' JR asked, his free hand clenched tightly by his side.
'He says that today is the day of judgement. Fight like the King you are or die trying.' You watched as JR's expression darkened, the lines etched deeply within his forehead as a frown formed upon his face.
'Your Highness,' Dohyun began, his eyes flitting to you briefly, 'It is the third day of the third month. The moon will be full tonight. I'm afraid that Grinkel is not wrong. The time has come.' JR's jaw clenched even tighter. You watched as he held his hand out and from it appeared a golden sceptre, lavishly adorned in emerald gemstones and silver vines, befitting of the King he truly was.
'So be it Grinkel,' JR gritted his teeth and you watched as the boy you had met turned into a man within an instant.  

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