Chapter 15- The long wait

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But Lyla didn't follow at first she could feel something was wrong, she shook her head from side to side and said "what is wrong with me. Thinking something bad is going to happen, gosh. I'm always being so negative when it comes to meeting someone after such a long time." "Hurry up Lyla." Shouted Leila. "I'm coming." As Lyla said that she also entered the forest and before she knew it she had caught up to Leila and Lynsey who were walking at a fast speed. While they were walking through they had realise that the forest had changed since the last time they had been in the forest. "Are you sure your going the right way to the big tree? Because this placed has changed a lot." Said Lyla. "Of course I remember, I might not have entered Winter Woods in a long time but I still remember how to get to the tree which we carved our first letter of our names into." Said Leila. "Hold on." Said Lynsey. "What's wrong Lynsey?" asked Leila. "Let me get out my gloves and hat from out of my bag, it's so cold." Said Lynsey. As she said that Leila and Lyla stopped while. Lynsey took off her rucksack which she was carrying and put on her poker dots gloves and her woolly hat. "There I feel much better." Said Lynsey and they continued to head to the tree that planned to meet Felix at.

After taking some wrong turns and going in the completely wrong direction of the tree they hand finally made it to the tree. "Finally here." Said Leila. "I thought you remembered the way." Said Lyla. "I did and that's why were here." Said Leila. "Yeah your right. We definitely didn't get lost and go the wrong way. It definitely doesn't take us ten minutes to get from main entrance of winter woods to here. Said Lyla in satire tone of voice, which made Lynsey chuckle a little bit. "Okay maybe we did go the wrong way but we're still here and that's all that matters." "I guess your right." Said Lynsey. "Yeah. By the way. I thought Felix would be here by now." Said Lyla. "Me too." Said Lynsey. "Maybe his also having problems to get here like how we were so let's just wait for him." As Leila said that it started to snow lightly but they didn't really care that much, they just decided to seat underneath the tree which they were going to meet at. Lynsey then pulled out an umbrella from her rucksack and opened it and hung it on a branch which was lower down so that snow wouldn't land on them all.

They waited and waited and waited but Felix still hadn't shown up, but that didn't stop the snow from falling heavier and heavier. "Where on earth is this boy? It's freezing." Said Leila annoyed. "I don't know but it's getting really cold and late as well." Said Lyla. "Should we just go home? We've been waiting for him for at least an hour now and he still isn't here." Said Lynsey. "I don't really want to go home as this whole trip will be waste of time for all of us." Said Leila. "Have you tried calling him?" Asked Lynsey. "Yeah multiple times but he isn't answering. I even messaged him but he hasn't replied to my message either. "Okay will wait for him for another hour, if he doesn't show up by then, then we go." Said Lyla. "That's fine with me." Said Leila. Even those they agreed to that after about thirty minutes both Leila and Lyla were both extremely cold while Lynsey was starting feel the cold again even those she was wearing her gloves and her woolly hat. After another thirty minutes Lyla got up and said "that's it I'm done with this, I'm leaving." "Come on Lyla let's wait another twenty minutes." "No way. You guys can stay if you want but I'm tired of waiting."

As she said that she started to walk off. But then as she was walking off Lynsey said "oh come Lyla you don't have nothing better to do anyways when you get home so I don't see the problem for waiting for Felix." Which made Lyla stop walking away. Both Leila and Lynsey thought that she say "okay I'll stay" because of what Lynsey had said but she just turned and around and actually said "I know you both want to see Felix again as he is one of our best friends, and to be honest I want to see him as well. But his not coming. It doesn't matter how long we wait. He won't turn up because the person who has been messaging you isn't Felix." Said Lyla. "Maybe your right... I'm sorry for dragging you guys out here." Said Leila in a sad tone of voice. "You don't have to say sorry." Said Lynsey. "Yeah we both understand that you wanted to see him but his not coming so let's all go home. Okay?" Said Lyla. "Okay let's go home."

As Leila said that she got up with Lynsey getting up after her, Lynsey then grabbed her umbrella and shook the snow off it before closing it as the snow had stopped falling. "Awwww. Going so soon." Said Alex behind a tree in different voice so that Lynsey and Lyla couldn't recognise his voice. "Who's there?" Asked Leila. "I'm Felix, the person you guys have been waiting for." Said Alex before coming out from behind a tree with puffy coat that had a hood which was covering most of his face other than his mouth. Which made Lynsey happy to see him, while Lyla was puzzled as she didn't know why Felix would hide his face, while Leila was a little scared as the person standing in front of them didn't have the voice of Felix of which she heard on the phone. "What took you so long Felix?" Asked Lynsey. "Well..."

Before Alex could continue his sentence Lyla interrupted him and said "hold on Lynsey. Don't call this person Felix yet, we have no clue what he looks like. Plus Leila is the only one to hear Felix voice through the phone. So Leila is it him?" Asked Lyla but Leila didn't respond as she was quite scared. "Leila?" Said Lynsey. "Leila please tell me this is Felix." Said Lyla starting to get worried as she could see that Leila was scared but she didn't know if she was genuine or if she was just pretending. "That's not true. Your not the Felix I have texted and phoned. Your voice, aura and appearance are completely different." Said Leila, which made Alex start to laugh creepily and then stopped a few seconds later.

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