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Klaus and I walked around in the dark. First we walked the streets, we hid in the shadows. I really had no idea why he insisted on doing this. I mean, couldn't he just keep an eye on me at home?

"Klaus, I don't wanna be out here. It's boring."

"Stop whining." He told me, giving me a glare. "You're supposed to be quiet."

I rolled my eyes and leaned against a wall, crossing my arms. We have been out here for two hours and saw nothing. No signs of life anywhere. We stood in an ally across from Hannah's house. The witch that had bitched at me earlier that day. He wanted to watch and see if anyone entered the house.

"I think everyone is asleep." I told him, looking at his back.

He turned and looked at me. "Would you like to go check?"

I let out a hard sigh. I didn't want to cause if anyone saw me alone, things would probably not go well. "Can't we just do something while we wait?"

"Oh, and what do you suppose we do? Make out. Have sex in this ally."

My eyes got big and I raised my eyebrows as the expression on my face was to show him they were obvious answers. I nodded my head once. "Uhh... Yeah!"

He appeared in front of me, taking my face in his hands. I swallowed hard. I wasn't sure if he was going to snap my neck to shut me up and prove to Marcel I didn't do it cause I was out. Or if he was just going to kiss me. He really was totally unpredictable.

He pressed his lips to mine, wrapping his arms around my waist now. I smiled against his lips, relaxing in his arms and wrapping my own around his neck. The kisses got deeper as he pushed me against the wall, forcing his lips against mine. I lightly moaned into his mouth as his tongue found mine and embraced it. I spun us around so he was against the wall now. I placed my hands on his chest, grabbing handfuls of his shirt, and pressing my body to his. I bit his bottom lip, pulling it to me, looking at him with a smirk as I let out a quiet playful growl. In a swift movement we were back to our original position. He kissed down my jaw and pushed back my hair, kissing my neck. I tilted my head to the side, allowing him more area to get to.  He moved back up to my face, giving me deep and passionate kisses. My one hand rested on the side of his neck, the other on his chest with a handful of his shirt.

There was a noise. It sounded like something had fallen in the house we were supposed to be watching. It wasn't loud enough for anyone with normal hearing to hear. We both parted from the kiss, sucking in a sharp breath and jerking our heads to the house.

He looked back at me. "You heard that, right?"

I nodded, looking at him, my hands still on his neck and chest. I looked back towards the house.

He took in a deep breath, watching me. "Do you smell that?"

I licked my lips. It smelled of blood. Marcel never told us how Joanna had died, but I'm guessing she was drained of blood. So either a witch has a lot of time on their hands, or there's another vampire around. I wrapped my hand around the back of Klaus' neck now and pulled him closer, inhaling his scent to get my mind off the blood. He kept close, as if he knew. We watched the house.

"Should we go in?" I asked in a whisper.

He shook his head. "It won't look good if we are caught breaking in."

We stood there, completely still, watching for about ten minutes until the smell of blood faded. We saw no one leave the house. No one walked down the street. I looked at Klaus who was still watching the house.

"I think they used a back door. Or maybe even climbed out a window and took off out a back way."

He sighed hard. "I don't know. But we're BOTH going to get blamed for this."

I've Always Been Here (An Originals Fanfic) (ON HOLD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora