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Rain poured on the roof of the school as my teacher drew on the chalk board, his grey suit still a little wet.

I wrote down the notes about the effects of alcohol on the body and stifled a yawn. Health class wasn't very appealing to me.

I started to doodle small flowers on the corner of my paper when my pen ran out of ink. I rolled my eyes to myself and grabbed my bag to look for another one but I realized I didn't have one. I sighed to myself before I felt something hit my back softly. I looked behind me and saw none other than Ferris Bueller, the school's infamous heartthrob, smiling at me. We had talked once before when he had to work on a worksheet together, but I wasn't in a very good mood that day, so the both of us were fairly quiet.

My heart fluttered a bit before I smiled slightly at him and looked at the floor and saw a black pen, which I assumed was his.

I picked it up and mouthed 'thank you' before I turned back around and continued to draw small, shitty daisies.

The bell  soon rang and everyone quickly grabbed their belongings before hurrying out of the door, eager to go have lunch.

I packed everything up and followed suit, almost out of the door when I heard a voice speak behind me,"You know, technically, you're stealing."

I slowed down and looked behind me to see Ferris smiling at me before he went to my side and continued walking with me.

"Excuse me?" I questioned, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"My pen," he said. "You've still got my pen."

My cheeks became a little warm from embarrassment before I stopped walking and rummaged through my very unorganized purse,"Shit, sorry I forgot."

He chuckled, "It's cool."

I finally found the pen and pulled it out, along with some old gum wrappers, and handed it to him.

He smirked before he grabbed the pen from my hand and took one of the dirty wrappers from my other palm before he jotted something down and placed it in my purse and clicked the pen closed before he stuffed it in his pocket,"See ya around..."

"Samantha," I finished, since he obviously had forgotten my name.

"Right, Samantha. That's a little too middle-aged-woman-y for me."

I scoffed jokingly, "Are you insulting my name?"

He shrugged, "Its not cute enough to fit your persona," he tilted his head. "I'll call you Sammy."

Sammy. That had instantly become my favorite nickname.

"See you, Ferris," I laughed nervously and walked towards the cafeteria where my friends usually sat.

"Call me!"


"Hold on," Erica interrupted and held her bitten apple in the air. "You're telling me that the Ferris- teenage icon, god of Glenbrook North, literal hearthrob- Bueller, gave you his number?"

I smiled and nodded.

"That's crazy," Debbie spoke. "I mean, I thought he went for blonde bettys," she flipped a bit of her blonde hair off of her shoulder. "Are you sure he was flirting with you?"

I rolled my eyes to myself as I sipped my Coke.

"Gee, thanks, Deb," I muttered before I stood up and grabbed my things. "I'll see you guys later."

"Nice going, Debbie," I heard Erica say as I walked towards the table where my brother sat at.

"Well I was just saying!"

I took his headphones off of him before I sat next to him, "How's the junior life treating you on this October noon?"

He shrugged as he scribbled quickly on a worksheet that appeared to be from AP U.S History, "Could be better."

I giggled, "Yeah, too bad you're basically committing suicide by taking all those AP classes."

He shushed me before he took a swig of my soda and shook his head, "You've gotta stop drinking so much soda, Sam."

I sighed, "What else am I supposed to drink?"

"Hm," he looked up at me. "I don't know if you've heard, but there's this thing called water...It's sort of important for your body."

"I drink water," I defended myself. "Sometimes," I mumbled.

"My point exactly," he muttered under his breath. "Now, stop talking to me. I have to finish this before lunch ends."

I furrowed my brows, "Whatever. I'm going to the bathroom. Watch my stuff."

I walked quickly to the bathroom, trying to get there fast because that damn bathroom was always packed.

I sighed in relief when I saw that nobody was in there except someone in the other stall.

I covered the seat with toilet paper before I pulled my pants down and sat down on the toilet. My eyes widened once I saw my purple underwear and the small red stain on them.

I placed my head in my hands and sighed in frustration before I looked in the toilet and saw the bloody mess. I groaned and began to panic. My underwear was decent, but my purse was with Logan. What the hell was I supposed to do?

"Fuck," I muttered under my breath.

"Did you start the rag?"

I jumped from surprise and looked at the feet of the girl in the stall next to me.


She chuckled, "Your period, did you start?"

I sighed, "Unfortunately."

"You need something?"

I gasped, "Oh, my god. You're a lifesaver."

I saw her grab her bag from the floor and rummage through it, "All I have are pads, though."

I smiled, "That's okay, I don't use tampons either," I admitted.

"Well, now I don't feel so 'ashamed' anymore. Girls always look at me weird when I tell them this. They say it's gross," she said before she stuck her hand under the divider and handed me the maxi pad.

"Thank you."

"No problem," she spoke before flushing the toilet.

I did the same once I was situated, "And I understand what you mean. I guess tampons just don't scare a lot of people," I chuckled.

I opened the door of the stall to see Sloane Peterson washing her hands, "I guess so."

I couldn't believe that the whole time, I was talking to one of the most talked about girls at school. Shit, she was a junior and she was already one of the most popular people in school.

I watched as she reached in her purse and took out a tube of lip gloss and applied it perfectly before she looked at me in the mirror and then turned around to face me.

"I'm Sloane," she said.

I walked towards the sink and washed my hands, "Yeah, I would be a total idiot if I didn't know who you were."

She chuckled, "I like you. You're easygoing."

I laughed nervously, "I don't know about that one."

She grinned, "What's your name?"


"Well, it was nice meeting you, Samantha," she paused. "Why don't you sit with me at lunch tomorrow? We can meet here."

I felt butterflies in my stomach. I was making a new friend and I was excited, "Sounds great."

"Cool," she smiled and grabbed her bag. "See you tomorrow, Samantha.

"See you."

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2017 ⏰

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