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Four cats stood beside each other just outside the two-leg place, the moon shining down. One was a small she-kit, looking no older than a moon old. Her fur was beautiful, fluffy and silver, and looking impossibly perfect next to the older she-cat's. The older cat's own dirty gray pelt was torn with battle scars and missing tufts of fur in some places. She was so skinny you could easily see her ribs. Her left ear was nearly torn completely off, and blood dripped from a cut on her side that seemed fresh. The third was a small Brown and White she-kit, and the last was a large brown and gray tom.

"But Mama..... Why? Don't you love me anymore?" whined the silver kit to her mother.

The gray she-cat replied sadly, " Of course I do... You're just to young to understand... if I could keep you, I would. But that's just not how it works here."

"But.... why?" the young kit whispered to her mother.

"Trust me..." her mother whispered, " it's better this way..."

The tom, who had been silent the entire time broke in,"We need to leave now Ash. Shade will be wondering why we were gone so long. I still don't know why you wouldn't tell him where we were going."

"Because.... there are some things he is too young to learn. But you are right. We have to leave. Goodbye my beautiful kits..."

"Goodbye....Mama..." Mist whispered, choking back tears as her Mama and Fern padded out of sight.

The two kits waited at the edge of the forest for their mother, sure that her mother would turn back around and run towards them. It wasn't until the sun came up that they realized their mother wasn't coming back.


Thanks to for the awesome pic!

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