Ducking behind a dumpster, Isaac waited until he heard footsteps coming toward him down the alleyway. The footsteps sounded light and cautious, confirming the thought that someone was after him.

As soon as the footsteps approached, Isaac launched out of the shadows of the dumpster, grabbed the person by the collar of the jacket, and slammed them against the brick wall of the building. The person grunted in pain, their legs nearly caving out from beneath them.

"I'm going to kill you for that, Cooper," Grace spit out through her teeth.

"Oh my gosh," Isaac breathed, his eyes wide as he helped steady her onto her feet. "I am so sorry. You just don't sneak up on me like that. Ever. Why are you here? How did you find me?"

His eyes lowered to her waist and saw blood seeping through her shirt from her gun wound. He must have reopened the wound with his attack.

Isaac ran a hand over his mouth in guilt. "I am a terrible person. Come on. Let's get you back to my apartment." He placed an arm around her waist to help her walk even though she insisted that she could walk by herself. Soon enough, they made it to his apartment and he helped her inside, excitement surging through his chest that she was here but also dread that she was here. She shouldn't be here. She should be in the hospital.

He kept glancing over at her every five seconds as he dug into his backpack to pull out a first aid kit. She looked like she had been through hell and back, but even then, she still looked absolutely beautiful.

"You're too good at finding me for your own good," Isaac joked as he set the first aid kit down next to her on the bed. "Why are you here? As happy as I am to see you, it's just not smart."

Actually, he felt ecstatic to see her alive and well. All he wanted to do was hold her in his arms and kiss her until she couldn't breathe, but she made it quite clear to him that she didn't want anything to do with him from their last dreadful conversation in the pouring rain. Which brought him back to the question: why was she here?

"I came to warn you," Grace grunted as she lifted her shirt up slightly. A bandage had been wrapped around her torso several times to protect the wound, but it looked as if he'd need to change that.

"Warn me about what?" His heart thumped wildly as she lifted her shirt up a little further so he could take the bandage off. He couldn't help but stare at the little piece of bra poking out, but quickly refocused his attention to the bandage before she noticed.

"Warn you about Wayne. They're coming after you. They're trying to find you."

Isaac chuckled through the clean bandage he held between his teeth as he finished unwrapping the other bandage. The wound didn't look good. Not at all. It looked as if she had been shot point blank.

"I already know they're coming after me. Why wouldn't they? Why did you really come here?"

Grace hissed through her teeth as Isaac worked on the wound, causing him to wince in guilt. He was being as gentle as he could!

"Johnson wants to talk to you. He wants to offer you a job."

Isaac snorted in amusement. "Yeah right. After everything I've done? I don't think so."

"I'm being serious," Grace said as she forcefully took a hold of his chin, making him look into her eyes. His heart skipped several times as he gazed back into her blue-green eyes, immediately being swallowed up and losing his train of thought. "I really am being serious. We couldn't find any way to get a hold of you. Both me and you have been disavowed by the CIA, but Johnson's task force isn't with the CIA. He wants us to join and I've already accepted. So are you going to come back with me? Or are you going to sit around doing other people's dirty work for the rest of your life?"

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