Chapter 13

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Over the following days I was asked by many guys including: Theodore Nott, Terry Boot, Fred and George Weasley, Crabbe and Goyle, Lee Jordan Michael Corner and a few Hufflepuffs. Each time id politely answer no except to Crabbe nd Goyle and the Hufflepuffs them I just yelled at. But the one that really got me annoyed though was Blaise who asked me a few days before the Ball when we were in Hogsmeade “Don’t you think id have a date by now?” I asked him with a glare. “Well obviously but I thought youd dump them for me” he said with a smirk “Blaise” I gave him a flat look “Tawns please?” he asked lowering to look me in the eyes “no Blaise my date I actually like and I have liked him for forever besides cant you get some Slytherin chick or something to go with you?” I asked “yeah right as if id go with one of those whores” he said giving me a flat look. “Well sorry babe but I like Dean… a lot” I said “just go solo its sexy” I said “so you think im sexy?” he put an arm around my shoulders and we started to walk to the Dress shop. “Meh Not gonna lie” I shrugged and he laughed.

Being friends since practically birth we could go together shopping and actually be in the same changing room. “That dress makes you look fat as hell” Blaise informed me after id put on a purple dress “what about this one?” I put on a tight Black dress “Black doesn’t look good when your hair is that white” he said “not long ones atleast” he said. “You’re an asshole!” I growled and he smiled then pecked me on the lips “your gross” I said and he smiled again.

“Hang on I think I found the one” I said about an hour later as I held a high necked Emerald dress which had a bustier top and had a long flowing bottom it was slightly tight near the butt and my boobs would spill out slightly it was perfect. I put it on then piled my hair on top of my head “You look beautiful” Blaise whispered in my ear “I know I do” I said with a smirk “its perfect”.

Blaise bought the dress w/ the accessories for me and then when we got to the castle I made out with him for half an hour then I headed to the Common Room. Seamus was sitting at a couch holding his head in his hands while Dean patted his back “I cannot go with Lavendar” Seamus said when I sat down “why?” I asked “shes all ‘Seamiepoo Seamiepoo’” Seamus said. “Seamiepoo?” me and Dean said at the same time and began to laugh “its not funny!!! What if your dare started calling you Deanybaby?” Seamus asked sounding like a birthing mother. “Umm” he said and we exchanged a look, Seamus wouldn’t exactly be all that subtle about it if we told him “I doubt Dean would date a girl that started calling him ‘DeanyBaby’” I said doing air quotwes over Deanybaby. “You never know. You never know” Seamus said shaking his head “Just cancel the date then ask someone else” dean suggested “yeah your right Tawny wanna go to the Ball with me?” he asked and I did a double take “what?” I asked “no! I mean i-I already have a date” I said and he groaned “who?” he asked “pardon?” I asked “who’re you going with so me and Dean can give him the whole rundown” Seamus said “oh its some some- Asshole” I said and shrugged and Dean’s eyes widened then he glared. “Oh is he now?” Dean asked “yeah ugly too” I added and Dean’s glare intensified “im playing it’s a surprise” I said and winked.

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