Chapter 9

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“Shit” I whispered as I snuck back into the house but the door closed behind me with a snap. “Just were have you been may I ask?!” I heard my Aunt’s voice yell, It was 4 in the morning wed been playing video games for awhile then id fallen asleep and barely woken up. “At a friend’s although on the plus side I got a job” I said hoping this would cool things down “Young Lady you have no business being at this late” she said “im sorry I was playing Video Games with Dean and Seamus and I lost track of time could I go p to my room now? Ive got to be at work at 1” I said “fine but if you ever go to either of those boy’s houses you let me know first and no walking home call me if you need a ride” she said and I nodded then flopped onto my bed.

“Tawny” someone was shaking me “TAWNY!” they yelled making me wake up with a start. “What?” I asked and saw that Tonks was infront of me “Mum told me to wake you up when I left” she said and I nodded laying my head back down “so wake up!” she said “IM UP! IM UP!” I yelled and stood up. “What time is it?” I asked “1 o’ clock” she said and I stood up straighter. “Shit Shit shit shit!” I said and startes running around the room. I grabbed the Star Wars shirt that Seamus had lent me and put it on, it was a plain white and it just said Star Wars on it, it fit me snug to show off my boobs. I grabbed my baggy black shorts that had a wallet chain  on one pocket and fit me just bellow my knee with a pait of shin high coverse well with 1 I guess since my ankle was still broke. I fluffed my hair up, grabbed my Skateboard iPhone and keys and ran out of the house sticking my board under my feet. I went fast so it didnt take me all that long to get infront of the Shop were I could see Dean and Seamus getting yelled at byt his guy who had jhis bak to me. I ran into th store saying “sorry sorry sorry sorry my sister woke me atr 1” I apologized and checked my watch 1:30. “So then this is the girl you two hired?” the guy asked as he turned around: He had shaggy brown hair a hard jaw tanish skin and he was tall he was quite handsome and he was wearing khaki shorts with a Penny tee. “Yeah that’s Tawny err Tanya err Paullina” Seamus said “im Tawny” I said and stuck my hand out he shook my hand looking me up an down then he seemed to approve of their choice because he smiled. “That isn’t exactly the Uniform but what the hey” he said. “Tawns this is Ernie he owns the shop now since his dad gave it to him this is gonna be his last year at Hogwarts Ravenclaw” Dean said “and hes only 16” Seamus finished “what is he being the one interviewed?” I laughed and went to sit behind the counter. “How’s the foot?” Dean asked “hurts like a bitch I shouldve gone to the doctors and got some pills or something also I shouldn’t have ridden my Skateboard here” I said.

After that the Nerds started to come in to buy all the Comic Books and stuff many of which hit on me. “Alright seriously the next nerd that hits on me im just gonna kiss or slap em its getting ridiculous that’s the 5th one!” I said at around 3. Seamus got a mischievous look in his eyes and was about to open his mouth when I stopped him “you ill just punch simple as that same goes for you Dean” I said “and me?” Ernie asked. “You id probably kiss” I said and smirked.

For the rest of the summer I was constantly with Dean and Seamus we also worked every day together except Saturdays which is when wed go to Carnivals, Pools, Theme Parks or wed just hang out in Park and stuff. Wed all agreed that wed go to the King’s Cross together so the three of us met up at Seamus’, Tonks was taking her Auror testing today. My Aunt and Uncle had gone on a vacation and Dean’s Mum was working so we were going to be going with Seamus’ Mum and Dad.

“Bye Mum Bye Dad” Seamus said as he hugged his Mother and Father. “Were not getting any younger here Seamie Poo” I said as I climbed onto Dean’s back “Hey don’t leave me you 2!” he said as he ran after us into the barrier. Me and Dean hid from Seamus and went into a Compartment. “So then Truth or Dare Tawny?” Dean asked me “Truth” I answered “Last Year you said you weren’t a Virgin how many people have you shagged then?” he asked “1 back then now 3” I said “Well 3 boys and them alone” I said. His eyes widened “you’ve slept with girls?” he asked “Not my turn” I said and smirked “Truth or Dare?’ he asked again “Truth” I said “have you lsept with girls if yes how many and who in total?” He asked and I chuckled. “I slept with Blaise Zabini in 1st year and Fred Weasley in 2nd and Ernie in the Summer” I said. “You slept with ERNIE?!” Seamus yelled as he came into out Compartment “err yeah actually” I said and blushed “only once tjhough!” I said defensively “and same with Blqaise and Fred only once and with Blaise it was only because I felt really alone he didn’t exactly want to either and Fred because I was drunk and it was once!” I explained quickly. “Aww so your not that easy” Seamus pouted and I kicked him in the face “kidding!” he said and massaged his jaw.

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