Chapter 12

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The rest of the summer and the beginning of the school year Dean and Seamus were helpful to me and kept me company while I was miserable. WE had a good time making fun of the people that were in the Triwizard tournament and other such things when word came that thered be a Yule Ball though I sobered up from their tauntngs of it.

“Shut up! If you keep making fun of it with me here nooone will invite me!” I hissed at Seamus and Dean they just shrugged though “who’re you guys gonna ask anyways?” I asked. “Noone probably” Dean said with another shrug “Well imma ask umm Lavendar” Seamus said then blushed and our eyes widened “Brown?!?!?!?” me and Dean yelled at the same time. “Yeah” Seamus blushed again then me and Dean exchanged a look and grabbed Seamus’ arms then dragged him to the Gryffindor Common Room from out perch up in a tower where we were smoking some… stuff.

“Lavendar! Seamus here has something to ask you” I told her “no not now don’t make me!” Seamus screamed and we rolled our eyes then he took a deep breathe and said “Lavendar would you like to go to the Yule Ball with me?” he asked. “Oh my god! Yes!!!” Lavendar screamed and knowing when to just leave me and Dean ran out of the Common Room and into the boys Dorm.

“Never. Stay. When Seamus does anything to or for Lavendar” I said and Dean agreed. “So…” Dean said “whos asked you to the dance?” Dean asked “so far?” I asked and he nodded “Cedric Diggory, Seamus, Neville Ron and Harry, and Viktor Krum” i ticked them off with my fingers “so then you’re your gonna go with Krum or Diggory then?” he asked. “No” I shook my head “im hoping” I said in a weird tone “someone better, someone I actually like will ask me” I said and Dean nodded looking away. “So… who are you going to ask?” I asked with emphasis on ‘are’. “Well noone” he said “come on you can trust me wouldn’t be sure about Seamus but me you can trust” I said “you know me the one who wears comic book shirts with boxers? The one who wears dorky glasses for fun? That can totally kick yo’ ass at Black Ops and Modern Warfare?” I asked and he laughed. “Your right I can trust you but… not with this” he said looking away “why not?” I asked pouting “because nothing the girl I want will say no anyways so there's no use telling you im not gonna ask her” he said. In my head I thought ‘what biatch would say no to Dean? My Dean the cutest most gorgeous most beautiful man ever’. “So how about say me and you go?” he asked and my heart lept “seriously?” I asked with a raised eyebrow “yeah that way you don’t need to worry about pervs asking you or taking advantage to you at the Ball” he shrugged. “Alright” I said and he looked up “seriously?” he asked “yeah sure I mean that girl like you said wouldn’t say yes and like you said itll keep pervs from asking me” I said and he smiled “alright then”. “Actually though” he said “you were the original girl I was going to ask” he said “o-ofcourse just because your the only girl I really know that well so just as friends” he blubbered on and on. “Yeah I get it” I shrugged.

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