She was forced to leave with her biological father because he's probably clinically insane and she's probably dead.

"I don't know. One day she was there, and the next, she just..."

"Was gone?"

He nodded silently.

Gail sighed. "This photo isn't from that long ago, huh?"

He shook his head. "She... she was gone before I came here."

"So that's why you're... you're still mourning." Gail straightened. "Right. Well, it's about time you got yourself to a party!"

"A what?" he asked dully.

"A party! Come on! Have fun! Maybe it'll help you get your mind off it?"

"Maybe," he mumbled.

"I'll take you as my plus one, there'll be drinks and everything. It's just dancing and fun, it'll be great!"

"Drinks? But-"

"Oh, no one's gonna get carded, it's just a house party. Live a little, Drew, get out there! Maybe you'll even find... a guy?"

Drew rolled his eyes. "Sure. Thanks, Gail."

"No problem! Start getting ready, we're leaving in ten."


"Yes! Hurry up!"

He ran a hand through his curls with a sigh, standing up. He was far too tall for his own good, honestly. He went to the bathroom, straightening his hair quickly and quietly, then wore his black denim jacket with his black skinny jeans over a black t-shirt. Black. It suited him. He looked in the mirror one last time, wishing he didn't look so horribly lanky and skinny, then left the room.

Gail looked him up and down with a smile. "You look good!"

"I feel great," he said half-heartedly, then gave a fake smile. Gail laughed and hugged him.

"You're gonna be okay! I'll be there the whole time!"


Needless to say, Gail was not there the whole time.

She was, as nice as she was, a bit of a player, and within ten minutes, she was gone into the crowd, dancing and flirting and drinking. Drew sat aside, holding a cup of untouched radioactive blue cocktail. He held it beside him, quietly watching partygoers walk around, talking and laughing. He wished Elle was there, so that he could hold her hand. So he could hold her close. So he could kiss her.

A guy came up to him, dark hair, dark skin and dark eyes. He smiled brilliantly at Drew, and said, "So, know anyone here?"

"Not really," said Drew. "I'm, uh, not really much for parties."

"Me neither, man." He held out his hand. "I'm Louis."

"Drew," he responded, shaking his hand and forgetting his name almost immediately. The guy's eyes crinkled at the corners as he smiled, and Drew checked him out. He was tall, taller than him, even, and he was buff. He made Drew look like an oddly tall and thin lesbian beside him, with his straight fringe and feminine features. His eyes were black, like Phoenix's. His high cheekbones accentuated his dimples, and he had a long neck.

He couldn't help but feel that he was awfully attractive.

The guy smiled, and Drew looked away. "What are you doing?"

"Oh, I dunno. Trying to work out the best way to flirt with you," he said with a smile, and Drew felt himself blush.

"I don't do the dating thing," he said dryly. "Not worth the effort. Or the pain."

Take A Walk (A Hunter Hayes Fanfiction, Book 5 of The Hardships Saga)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum