Chapter 1

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Adrenaline. That's what was coursing through my body. I swore I would never come back to the shit hole, yet here I am ten miles from the boundaries of Charming California. It's the last place on earth I want to be, but I know it's the only place I'll be safe. They have been following me since Arizona. Keeping just insight of my rearview mirror. The Guardians, they called themselves. A biker group from Pheonix. They tried to grab me out of my jeep as I was leaving for work. My eye is almost swollen shut, and I can taste blood on my lip. I'm lucky though. Lucky my old man taught me to fight. One of the assholes clipped my bumper. Trying to psych me out as they tried running me into a ditch.

All it took was one look at the crow tattoo on my sternum and they were after me. Everyone in a five-state distance knew what that bird meant. That I was an Old Lady to one of the members of The Sons of Anarchy. What better way to gain leverage over a charter than to kidnap someones, Old Lady? Too bad for them, I was an ex old lady. An Old Lady who had probably been forgotten about completely in my years of exile.

The welcome to Charming sign passed me in a blur. Barely catching a glimpse of the word SAMCRO carved into the post, I find myself glancing back into my rearview. These fools obviously have no know clue who they are fucking with, or they are just some prospects doing the patched members' dirty work. No one is stupid enough to mess with the Sons.

In the distance, I see that ungodly fence that surrounds Teller Morrow Automotive. I hope the prospects have left the gate open, I'm getting into that lot either way. Sliding into the lot, I notice there's only one bike. A Trike parked close to to the door. Piney I think to myself as I throw my jeep into park. The moment my feet hit the concrete I'm running toward the clubhouse door. The sound of motors that don't belong to Harleys fills the lot. Insane. These guys are idiots! Pulling into TM like this is a death wish!

My hand grazes the doorknob for the clubhouse when it's flung open, Piney standing at the ready. He has a shotgun in his hand, ready to defend the clubhouse at all costs. I duck underneath his raised arms and head toward the bar, my hands searching for that familiar pistol that's always hidden in front of the Tequila. The cold steel graces my fingers as I pull it from the holster. By the door, I hear Piney begging The Guardians to come inside.

"If you think you've got the balls to come inside be my guest" he calls out into the lot. The bikes belonging to The Guardians now lined up, blocking the entrance to Teller Morrow.

"Skye, get my phone off the bar, hit three you'll know what to do" Piney calls from the doorway. I scramble from the window, and grab the old burner, pressing three like instructed. Three rings and the voice I've longed to hear for three years hits my eardrums.

"Yeah" is all he says and I am temporarily disoriented. I can hear a slight breeze rolling by his phone, along with the sound of idling motors.

"Tig, you need to get to the clubhouse. The Guardians followed me and Piney is trying to hold them off!" the words spill out of my mouth in a jumbled mess. The line goes dead and I can feel my heart about to beat out of my chest. This time, it's not from fear. I'm going to see him, very, very shortly. Dropping the phone back on the bar, I go to Pineys' side, peeking over the older man's shoulder. I see two full patched members, along with three prospects. Their rockers are white and pristine. Nothing like the rockers worn by the sons, which are marred with dirt, blood, and life on the road. Obviously these assholes were newbies.

Pineys' voice brings me back from my thoughts as he yells into the lot once more.

"We can do this one of two ways. You can leave and pray we don't find you, or you can start a war you will not win. What's it going to be boys"? He questions, racking the shotgun and making the well-known noise ring out across the concrete. The Guardians are standing their ground at the end of the lot, pistols pointed toward the old man and me. The faint sounds of Harleys filled the air. I know its been mere minutes since I've called, but it feels like an eternity. The Guardians shuffle on their feet, and I know all hell is about to break loose or the pardon of a lifetime is going to be gifted.

Jax is the first Son on the scene. Quickly followed by Chibs, Tig, Juice, Happy, Bobby, and several prospects. Tigs boots hit the asphalt first, his pistol already drawn and helmet off.

"Easy Tig" Jax stated as he came to the man's side

I couldn't see where Tig was looking. His beautiful blue eyes were covered by his Aviators.

"You all are very stupid or have really huge balls" Jax called to the opposing charter. "I can respect that. What I won't tolerate is you coming onto our turf. I'm giving you until the count of five to get the hell out of Charming before I rain hell down on your skulls. Five.......Four.... Three.......      

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