⭕️Dont Worry⭕️

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This might be a short chapter because I just got "One Piece Burning Blood" for my PS4
If you wanna play with me my username is OneHeadshotKll

Ps: I'll update this chapter later this is just a description for now



I was horrified. I can't believe this has been happening to him and we couldn't see it. He is our fearless captain, and seeing him in such a vulnerable state.. it all gave us daggers through our hearts.

If he had told us sooner. We wouldn't be having this problem right now. Chopper didn't know what to do. He was looking around his office for ingredients to make a antidote. But I already knew.... it's not a sickness. It's not a what or it, it's a matter of who.


Again, every time I black out. I'm always conscious. I can feel, hear, smell, but I can't speak or move. My eyes are closed, but I can see them. I tried to move but it didn't work. Is this because Law took my heart out. About 50 minutes later the heart was placed back inside your chest. Sealing the deep, endless black hole.

          I jolted up the second I could move. I coughed from the sudden movement. I moved my gaze up to have Law and Chopper looking at me. Chopper was bombarding me with questions. But me and Law were stuck in each other's gaze.

What was that? His eyes seemed to say. I don't know, I just want it gone. I lipped to him.

I pushed myself off the floor and stood. "Luffy, you shouldn't be standing yet!" Chopper insisted. I set him down next to me and started walking off. "Sorry Chopper can't do that." I responded as he sat in the place I put him. "Wait here Chopper I'll go talk to him." Law said also standing and heading in my direction. I peeked behind my hat to see him following me. I waved my hand telling him to follow me to my room. It was only a few feet down the hall. I'm guessing Chopper will hear us walk in there and eavesdrop, which he did.

"Law.... you know how deep this situation goes. I could tell. When you took my heart out, me and whatever that is," I pulled my hand up to my heart. "Weren't smooshed together like before." I puffed my cheeks making the gesture to follow up my words.

I told him everything that happened before I blacked out. "Hmm, so it seems whoever that woman is, is someone that you know very well. There's no other explanation for that. It couldn't have put the image there without it being encased in your memory."

Darn it looks like you found out.

"Ah ugh..." I tried to say something but the 'it' was paralyzing my body. "L-Law" he looked up. His eyes widened. My teeth were hitting each other fast in an attempt to talk. He quickly made his way over to me from where he was sitting. I was looking down my hand on my heart.

I want to scream so bad. But this thing, whatever it is, has full control of me.

Blood slowly pored out the corner of my mouth. Law was panicking, he didn't know. By now I was clutching my throat. Breathing was a challenge.

I used the last of my strength to grab Law's sword and stab it through my leg. I coughed up more blood, but at least now I had control over my body. "Mugiwara~ya...." I quickly pulled it out and fell back on my butt.

I clenched my leg, grateful I had control again.

"Well that worked...." I muttered to myself. Law knelt down and pulled bandages from one of my drawers and wrapped my leg. "Thanks." I said to him. He simply nodded.

You thought I left didn't you?

I looked down quickly so Law couldn't see my expression.

Trying to save your friends is hard when you are the one in most need of saving.

What I didn't expect to happen was Law lean over and hug me.

"I-I... Law?" I managed to stutter.

"You don't have to keep these things away from us. We are all here to help you. It's the least we can do to repay all you do for us." He whispered near my ear. I could feel his hot breath on my skin.

A/N just a bit of fluff

"Law what are you doing?" I said confused by it all. He pulled away still holding my shoulders and looked me straight in the eye.

Ohhhh looky looky he has a good eye for men.

       Huh? I'm so confused. What is law doing? I thought sort of listening to it.

I felt a warm sensation in my chest. It felt relieving, like a mother comforting her son. But, a different kind of sensation. Not the love for a mother. But stronger.


I heard the voice in my head yelling at me. "Law." My voice trembled. He hugged me tight.

I reached into myself for strength. I lifted my arms up and hugged him back. I smiled into his shoulder.

He snuck a kiss on the back of my neck. I swerved my head so I could see his face. We stay there looking into each others eyes.

       I sent a smile his way. 'It' was having a boxing match with my heart. I felt like I was gonna die.

I pulled away from Law as I covered my mouth. Trying to stop the waterfall of hot blood poring out of me.

"Luffy~Ya!" He called. That's a first , I thought to myself.

I passed out in his arms.


I woke up, it was dark and I felt a slight dip in the sheets near my feet. I slowly leaned up and looked at what was causing it. Law was sound asleep with his hat on the floor.

He looks so cute! Wait what! Why did I think that? Hmm, whatever.

I guess my shuffling woke him up. Cause I could see his dark orbs glow with happiness as he lifted his head up. He sent me a lazy smile.

He yawned and I tried to stand. He quickly grabbed me as I was falling. I was basically a noodle as he held me with one arm.

I puffed out my cheeks in annoyance as he placed me back in the bed, "You can't walk yet. You injured your leg. Please, get some rest." He whispered to me.

He was about to walk out, "Pssssttt!" I whisper yelled. He turned his head towards me. I was hitting the seat on the bed next to me.

He rolled his eyes, but I could see that he was tired and relieved. He laid down next to me. He wrapped his arms protectively around me. I snuggled into his chest and nodded off from his warmth.


HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED THAT! Finally the Lawlu comes into place! It ended up being pretty long and sorry it took so long to update!

Total word count: 1217

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