Percy has a nightmare

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Harry- " Hermione come on we need to go talk to Ginny about that one thing, remember?" I silently prayed that she would go along with it and play along. " Oh, yes let's go." Yes! We walked up a flight of stairs to Ginny's room. " Gin, could we talk about something in here?" Ron asked pleadingly.

"Sure, but I want to be able to listen." " Alright Ginny." I said, she gave me a thankful smile and walked over. " Ok, Hermione... and Ginny. Ron saw that prat drop something and it said Camp Half-Blood. Doesn't that seem suspicious? He's hiding something. He's probably a Death Eater!" Hermione sighed and said, " He can't be a Death Eater, he seemed totally confused when we mentioned it. Though I admit he does seem like he's hiding something. I mean who's Thanatos?" Even though she didn't think him evil, she was smart enough to know he is hiding something. " I agree with Hermione, Ron and Harry. He seems so nice. He's just upset that you guys keep accusing him." Ron turned to face Ginny and said angrily. " You just think he's cute!" Well, if she did that's another thing to be mad at Percy about. Not that I like Ginny or anything. " Ron! Didn't you tell me he has a girlfriend? Obviously I don't like him or think he's cute then!" I silently sighed and turned to Hermione. " So you'll help us find out what he's hiding?" "Yes. If you two stop being so rude to him." Ron groaned but agreed. As did I. We left for our room vowing to find out his secret or secrets. But, mostly we left very tired. After all it was ten o'clock.

Once we got to our room Percy was already asleep. So, Hermione forced us to be quiet while getting ready for bed. As I lay down my eyes grow heavy and I fall into a dreamless sleep. Some time later though I am woken up by a noise. Almost like a whimper. Sitting up I see that Ron and Hermione are asleep and soundless. That left Percy. I got up and walked over to him, and what I saw confused me. The fierce tough teenager that I have met today had a terrified look on his face. And every once in awhile he would groan or whimper. Is he in pain? Even though I don't like him I can't let this go on.

Before I could shake him awake, though, he starts muttering something. Leaning in to hear better I can kind of tell what he's saying. " Annabeth, I'll save you. We'll get out of Tartarus together." Suddenly he screams an ear piercing scream. The scream of someone in terrible pain. Ron and Hermione immediately shot up in their beds. And the door opens revealing Mrs. Weasley and her children. " What's going on? Is Percy hurt, Harry?" " I-I-I don't know he was whimpering in his sleep I came over to see what's wrong. Then he screamed." Looking down I saw he was shaking violently. Mrs. Weasley bent down and lightly shook Percy's shoulder. The slightest touch was all it took for him to sit up straight and grab her hand. Looking to see who it was he quickly apologized and released her. "What the bloody hell was that?" Ron asked. " Sorry, I just had a... bad dream."

Percy reassured all of us a few times that he was just dreaming of falling off a cliff. Of course me, Hermione, and Ron didn't believe a word but let it go and went back to sleep. 

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