A depressing house

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Harry- Before anyone could answer the Death Eater. I mean he is obviously one, and I bet he has apparated before! That's why he didn't throw up. Anyway, Sirius came charging in and slammed Percy into the wall with his wand at his neck. I gave a slight smile, that was really satisfying. Hermione gasped and yelled "Sirius!" While Dumbledore started walking over. Of course he didn't have to do anything, because Percy grabbed Sirius's arm, twisted it and him, until Sirius was facing us. And Percy slightly pulled up on Sirius's arm making him wince and me clench my teeth. My godfather's wand rolled out of his reach on the floor. " Evil. Dirty. Death.Eater!" Sirius shouted. " Why the heck would anyone want to eat Thanatos? Why would I? Gross. No. And why the heck were you trying to kill me with your stick? I didn't do anything!" He sounded really aggravated that we had accused him of such a thing, and weirded out about Voldemort's henchmen nickname.

 Percy slowly let go of Sirius who growled slightly and came to stand next to me. " I think everyone needs to calm down. Why don't we all go in the kitchen and get something to eat?" Dumbledore suggested. Percy nodded and followed behind him. Hermione too. " I swear, who's Thanatos?" Ron asked as we reluctantly followed too. " No idea, but we're going to find out." I said determined. 

Percy- Why does everyone seem to think I'm some evil dude? I didn't even say one word to this guy who was very sirius... or was that his name? Who the heck names their kid Sirius? That's really just cruel. I mean I get it if- argh stupid ADHD. Anyway like I was saying I didn't even say a word to the guy and he attacks me! Do I look that ugly? I mean come on. Then there's Harry and Ron. Their glares tell me enough, but Hermione seems ok. Just curious.

In the kitchen I was introduced to the rest of the Weasleys. Ginny seems nice, and I like the twins. They remind me of Connor and Travis Stoll. Oh, and Mrs. Weasley is very caring and calls me dear all the time. Though a little cautious she never forgets her manners. After a very, very awkward and silent dinner Mrs.Weasley told the Golden Trio(so I've heard some call them) so show me to the room we all shared.

It was pretty big with four beds, three obviously taken, and one left in the corner for me. I packed all my clothes I brought into the nightstand by my bed. I accidently dropped a Camp Half-Blood shirt, I didn't know I brought, on the ground. Ron saw this and not very discreetly tapped Harry and pointed. I stuffed the shirt back inside the drawer, but sadly they saw and started whispering. Then said loudly, " Hermione come on we need to talk to Ginny about that one thing, remember?" She looked over at Harry and said, " Oh, yes let's go." Great, they're probably going to come up with this thing about how my shirt equals evil,or people who eat Thanatos. Sighing I continued to unpack.  

Like my story? It's my first Fanfic thingy. Oh yeah, please comment or vote and all that.

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