I was focused on the dance floor as I feel someone tapping on my right shoulder.

"Want a drink?", Lauren asked. I turned around and I met her emerald green eyes that I fell for a year ago but she didn't know, I thought.

"Yeah..thank you.", I smiled and ran my left hand through my hair, to place them on the other side.

I waited and stood still, waiting for Lauren to come back. After a few minutes she came back and approached me with a light smile.

"Here...I hope you like this one..the names of the drinks here are really weird.", she says as she chuckles and places the two drinks on the table.

"Thank you. What's the name of this drink?", I asked curiously and she started laughing.

"Pussyfoot.", as she finished saying the name of our drinks, we both started laughing.

I took a sip of the drink and it was tasty I must admit. It tasted like orange juice and I tasted the alcohol but it was sweet, though.

"Is it good?", Lauren asked as she took a sip of her drink. I nodded.

I heard Lauren say something but I couldn't hear a single word now. "Excuse me, it's too loud in here.", I said and I got closer.

"I wanted to say sorry.", she said and she was so close that I could smell the alcohol that came out of her mouth.

"Why?", I asked and raised both eyebrows.

"I didn't really show interests in texting with you and I'm sorry.", she apologized and I could see her feeling guilty.

"It's okay.", I lied.

"Is there any way I could fix it?", she asked curiously.

"Nah..it's ok. Wait... what if we leave this party and go get some goodies from a store and I don't know.. go to my apartment?", I offered.

"You don't like partying don't you?", she asked and I shook my head.

She kept thinking about my offer as drank the whole glass.

"Let's do it Miss..-", I interrupted her.

"Cabello.", I said and she kept going, "Okay..Miss Cabello.. let's do it."

"I'll tell my friends that I'm leaving ok?", I told her and turned around really quick.

I walked fast and saw Dinah with Normani on the dance floor. I got closer.

"I'm leaving.", I told them.

"Nuh uh, you ain't going nowhere. You're here for someone.", Dinah replied.

"What if I'm leaving with that someone?", I snapped and they all raised their eyebrows.

"You're leaving with her? Oh my god, have fun!", Normani said and I nodded.

I left and started to search Lauren but she was nowhere to find.

I slowly felt dizzy. All the people here, the loud music and I felt tipsy anyway.

I kept turning my head to the left and to the right, people must've thought I was a freak. I felt cold hands touching my shoulder and I quickly turned around, facing those familar emerald green eyes.

"I was looking for you.", she whispered in my ear, since we were near the stereo systems and we couldn't hear eachother.

"I couldn't find you. Let's go now.", I replied and she took my hand, which made my heart skip a beat but in her eyes I was just another girl she called a friend.

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