Chapter 2

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"We are at the grocery store, and Harry, Louis and Liam are here! We don't know where Niall or Zayn are but, the most funniest thing happened." Robin whispered, as she started off the video diary.

"So Karly was going through the apples, when Louis grabbed the same apple as her! It was really funny because she screamed and ran away. She is now at that coffee shop. We really want to talk to the boys so lets hope for the best! "  I continued as we turned the mini movie camera towards the direction of the coffee shop, and turned it off.

I guess Liam saw us coming because when we started to walk, he whispered something into Harry's ear.

"Good afternoon ladies!" Liam greeted, as we approached the 3 boys.

"Hey Liam!" Robin said a little too quickly. Liam has always been Robins favorite so i guess she cant help herself.

"We were just wanting to chat for a bit, until our friend comes back." She continued. I noticed Harry had a big grin on his face and looked towards Louis.

"So that was your friend who screamed at the sight of Louis..." He said still facing Louis.

"Yeah." I started. " She was just a... little freaked out. Oh and where is Niall?"  Liam started to laugh,

" So Niall is the one you fancy.. I'm sure you can find him in the food section." Robin put her hands on her hips and looked over at Liam.

" You do know that this is a grocery store right?" We all laughed at that statement.

" Don't worry, we will help you find him." Louis said while entering the building. I think we walked up and down the whole store when we finally found Niall, standing with his arms full of, chips, a hamburger, and 2 drinks.

" Hiya lads! Who are these lovely ladies?" Niall asked with the biggest smile on his face. 

"Well Niall," Louis began, "We were standing outside, when these ladies came over to chat, after I kinda scared their friend away. This one right here, I didn't catch your name,"

"Shayla" I said with a big smile.

"Ah Shayla what a nice name. Well Shayla here wanted to meet you!"

"Hello Shayla, What is your friends name?" Niall replied back, in his Irish accent, gesturing to Robin.

"Hey Nialler! I'm Robin!" Robin said with a bid wave of the hand.

"Well its definitely a pleasure to meet you ladies. I'm just wondering what is your accent? Canadian?" Niall once again asked.

"Yup!" We both said in unison.

" I am very sorry, but we must leave to talk to this guy before he leaves. I am very sorry." Harry said looking a little sad.

"Hey! I was thinking that we could all meet at Nandos later, if you wanted. It would give Louis a chance to apologize to your friend." Liam stated while gesturing to Louis.

"Yeah, I even have my Nandos black card, so we will pay!" Niall said with a little too much glee.

"We will definitely bring Karly!" I say looking over to the coffee shop. "Then its settled! Meet you ladies at 6:00!" Harry said while clapping Louis on the back.

"Yeah buddy!" Niall said while waving good-bye. We all said good-bye and the boys left. I turned to Robin and i started to jump up and down like a little kid, she just turned around and walked out of the store. She isn't really the type to fan girl in public. We ran across the street to the coffee shop, only to find a perfectly still Karly, sitting at a booth.

"Karly!" I squealed, as i ran up to her "You will never guess what just happened!! Robin film this." I yelled, throwing the camera at Robin.

Robin took out the mini movie camera and pressed the little red button. "What happened?!?! Tell me!" Karly said alost yanking off my arm. 

"Ok. Ok. Ok. OK! After you ran away, Robin and I went up and talked to them... WE ARE MEETING THEM AT NANDOS!!!" Karly shot up from her spot and started walking back and forth.

"So you mean, like a date?!"

Robin started laughing with the camera still in her hand, "Karly, like they would ever date us."

"Hey hey hey.... Lets not be sad now." I say looking at Robin. I stuck my face in the camera and shouted.

"WE ARE EATING FOOD WITH ONE DIRECTION!!!"  and with that we skipped down the road back to our hotel.

After hours of preparation,  we were finally ready for 6:00. We hopped into  taxi and drove to Nandos. As we turned the corner, we noticed that the boys were waiting outside Nandos for us, and Zayn was there too!

 *******************************    LOUIS P.O.V  ( Point Of View ) ************************************

"The girls are coming!" I shout, while pointing to the yellow Taxi.

"Where!? Where!?" Liam asked worriedly.

"Relax Mate! they are the ones in that taxi, you see?" Niall says joining in with me and pointing to the cab/taxi.

"Ahhhh I see them now." Harry says while running his fingers through this hair. Zayn laughed.

"Well its a good thing you guys brought the girls back to see us, now i get to meet them!" I looked over to Zayn

" Actually Zayn, nobody got to see their friend that i scarred away, she was fit though." Louis said smiling to himself.

"Well if we have to wait any longer I think Niall over here may explode." Liam said in between laughs. "Oh shut up Liam. I dont mind waiting for a lady, and plus they are early." Niall said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

" Well lets not just stand here, lets go greet them!" Harry started to walk up to the cab. Oh that Harry! He just has to be polite! The girls walked up to us and greeted us with a nice hug, and we entered the building, ready for a great night! Oh and I must say, they were all so beautiful!


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