Stop using the hot water!

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Chapter 3

I awoke to Rigby's arms slung across my chest. He was absolutely adorable. I poked his cheek.

"Rigby wake up." I cooed softly.

"hmphenmenhasna" He mumbled.

"Come on man, Muscleman probably already has breakfast ready to go."

"I donnnnwannnna gettup."

"Fine have it your way." I reached over and attacked his sides.

"Wait Mordecai don't! Please stop, ack"

Rigby squealed and fell off the bed.

"What the heck man?!"

"You're the one who wouldn't get up."

"What eves bro let's just get some munchies."

I swiped the last piece of toast before Rigby could get it.

"Aw man that's not cool put it back."

"I don't mean to brag, I don't mean to boast but I've got some hummus for my mini toast." I looked over and smirked at him.

"Let's play punchies for it." Rigby said frustrated.

"Nah man you always lose."

"Hmph" Rigby crossed his arms and pouted.

"Fine, I'm taking a shower." He announced. Rigby stomped up the stairs furiously. He can be such a child sometimes. Then a devious thought crossed my mind. I snuck up stairs and grabbed the key to the bathroom door. I swear one of these days I'm going to replica this key. I quietly slipped inside. I pulled my shirt over my head and let my bottoms drop to the floor. Rigby was too busy to notice that I was sneaking my way into the shower. In one quick fluid motion I flung my arms around him and pulled him close. He let out a startled scream.

"Dude chill it's just me."

"Mordecai? Wait, what the hell are you doing in here?!!!"

"Just visiting my favorite babe."

"Are you implying you have more than one?" He crossed his arms and pouted.

"Of course not your my one and only." I turned him around and leaned down to kiss him. A blush shown on his cheeks.

"Wait Mordecai we'"

"Naked? Yea I know, I like it." Rigby's eyes got wide.

"You do? Wait what, dude!" I looked Rigby up and down. His body isn't built but in his own way, he's so god damn sexy. I leaned down and nipped his neck.

"I do." That's it I couldn't take it anymore. I slammed Rigby against the shower wall. I nipped and licked his neck and shoulder blade. He began to moan and wrap his tiny arms around my neck. I reached my hand down and gently caressed his member. I then slowly began to pump it.

"Mordecai wait...nnn." Rigbys face was flushed a deep red. He began to wiggle his hips.

I ran my thumb over the tip and tightened my grip as I jacked him off. I felt him squirm against me. I wrapped my other arm around his waist so we wouldn't slip.

"Mmmmm good." He leaned into me, I could tell he was close. I began pumping faster and dragged my tongue along his collar bone to his ear lobe. That was all he could handle. He let out a deep sexy moan and released onto my abdomen. I gave him a quick peck on the lips. His eyes fluttered and looked up at me.

"Mordecai." He said through half lidded eyes.


"I love you."

"I love you too Rigby."

"STOP USING ALL THE GOD DAMN HOT WATER YOU TWO OR I'LL FIRE YOU GUYS." Benson's voice rang irritably through my ears. Way to ruin a perfectly good moment china balls.

What do ya think, more? The more criticism the better it can be. Love you all! :D

Dude Stop! Mordecai and RigbyWhere stories live. Discover now