Out of the city and into the wild

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It's been about a week since we left the Tendo dojo.Ryoga stayed with me the whole time but we only got lost a couple times.We learned more about each other,laughed a lot,we even fought  a couple times. Not like yelling I mean like we trained a little.Anyway we are in a forest that is pretty close to the next city we plan on going,Hokkaido.Ryoga tells me that he might remember that there was a dojo or a couple there.But back to reality,it's nighttime and we had set up camp.

Man.....Its hard being away from karu...Its so lonely..even if Ryoga is here...karu was-he's all I have really talked to or had in my life.I didn't  have really ANY friends....Everything changed after they passed..I remember how mom would sing me and karu a lullaby...and after she left..I would sing it back to karu when he couldn't sleep...Hopefully he's doing ok...I miss him a lot...

"Hey y/n want some ramen?" Ryoga held out a cup of ramen to me."Thanks Ryoga!" I gladly took the cup and dug in.
I heard him chuckle a bit before digging into his own cup.I quickly finished, with now a full stomach. Even If it isn't much it still was able to fill my stomach.To be honest I could probably live on just ramen! Though I think too much isn't to good for you but there isn't much food to make in the wilderness.I Looked at the Starry night sky... So many bright stars shine down onto the earth.I wondered about so many things... They boggled my mind.. 'How is karu doing?'
'Is ranma and Akane helping him?'  'is he eating well?' 'What's he doing now?'
"You ok y/n?" Ryogas voice broke me out of my thoughts."Yeah... I'm just wondering about Karu... We've never really been separated at all.... It's Hard but yet a bit Nice at the same time.." I looked at his puzzled and a bit worried face then looked back up at the starry night."How so?"His voice sounding curious."After my..Our parents left this world.. it was only us.. I technically had to raise him... got a job.. sometimes my friends would take turns too watch him.. but it was hard.. working.. shopping.. living.. all alone with only each other too watch over... " I realized I had said too much.I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand."S-sorry I said too much..." You looked Down at the empty ramen cup and threw it in the fire to burn."It's fine, at least I know more about you though" he gave me a eye closed smile."I guess but things id like to try to keep to myself" I laughed nervously and scratched the back of my head."Heheh.. If you want I'll forget about it" he said and looked up at the stars.I looked at them as well..... Still... I was wondering how things were going for them...'how are you karu?.. Did you eat dinner?... Are they nice?...'

~Ryogas pov-
She told me something she didn't really want me to hear.Must have been hard for her growing up.... Well... Guess we all have our own problems.. Meh.. Anyway so right now we're getting ready to go to sleep.I already set out my sleeping bag... Not like Y/n tho .Shes decided to just sit in a tree... "You sure you wanna sit in a tree all night?y/n?" I asked her."Well I just kinda wanna be careful and make sure nothing's out here so ill keep watch" she said.
'She didn't answer the question..'...

-time skip-

Its been at least another hour and i cant sleep! I don't know why...but I can hear a soft sob around me .. I'm scared too move to find out if its Y/n then i would probably startle her... I shifted a bit, but the soft sobs have started to become a bit louder.I sat up slowly and rubbed my tired eye then looked at the spot where y/n would be.

But she isn't...

Hey guys.. I'm sorry that its been so long that i haven't uploaded something for you guys... Tbh i.. I've been going through things and today i checked my email and i saw notification for wattpad. So i checked and there was like almost 300 reads! i was surprised and i'm really grateful for you all reading this.I don't plan on giving up on this story so please stick with me a but longer and ill try to upload more! Thanks for reading

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