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Just some Headcanons I have or I have found! Will add more in future!

-Mandarin Chinese is his first language and he was taught by his mom.

- He always wears a necklace given to him by his mom. Always.

- He enjoys playing chess with his mom, even though he loses every single time. She shows him no mercy. Though, he has played against Billy quite a few times and has won every single time.

- He is a HUGE adrenaline junkie(i.e. cliff jumping, sparring, martial arts, competitions, etc. ). Seriously, he is the daredevil of the group, never turns down a dare.

- Before he met the rest of the Power Rangers, he'd often go on long runs and walks when his mom told him to get out more or he needed to get rid of excess energy,stress, nerves, and anger. And during said runs and walks he blasts his music extremely loud.

- Also likes to swim in the many deep cavern/cave swimming holes.

- Likes to lay on cliffs in clearings or on top of roofs/train cars and stargaze.

-He is bisexual

- Can cook pretty well considering he has to cook for himself and his mother all the time. He doesn't mind though, because when he was young he'd always help her in the kitchen. He's practically mastered minimalist cooking.

- Cares a lot about the small things in life because his mother told him that it's the small things that matter.

- Deathly curious explorer(Knows forest around trailer park like the back of his hand as well as the trails around the gold mine. Knows best trails and swimming holes).

- He doesn't have a problem with learning and understanding stuff at school, he just has a hard time sitting still and listening to lectures and speeches and such.

- Missed a lot of school to care for his mom, but she doesn't like him doing it.

- Loves to climb things and heights. Especially sitting on high cliffs, climbing high trees, sitting on roofs.


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