Info From Past Versions

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So, as many comic book/TV show/movie franchises go, there are a few different iterations of characters as the generations pass. I was browsing through the general wiki blog of Zack Taylor rather than the 2017 movie one and picked a few things I could see actually applying to Zack. So, I thought I'd list some of them for you and let your decide which you could see. If you have any headcanons you just came up with, comment them below because that's what I planning on  doing next! Though, the 2017 movie is basically just a reboot of the 'Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers' (MMPR) which I believe contains all the same characters, just a different plot line so there isn't much variety thankfully. 

The description states that Zack is "a very enthusiastic, upbeat person, he was very close with his friends Jason Lee Scott, Billy Cranston, Trini Kwan, and Kimberly Ann Hart. Zack is a prankster and particularly enjoys holidays such as Halloween, to scare his friends; in contrast he was greatly afraid of bugs and snakes." In my opinion, I can totally see that being true because I see Zack as one of those guys who act all tough but are actually deathly afraid of something and are secretively sensitive. 

It also says that "he enjoys dancing at every chance he gets, and even developed his own fighting style, Hip Hop Kido, which he occasionally taught," which is another thing I can believe that he would do. It makes sense for me because I see Zack as being one of the more lithe and agile of the group rather than being a heavy tank. 

Now, in the MMPR, it had the same general plot idea of Rita trying to take over Earth. Though in the series, "Rita Repulsa had been released and her intention was to take over Earth, Zack and his friends where chosen by Zordon to defend Earth as the Power Rangers. Although initially dismissive of being chosen, Zack soon discovers that he is right for the job. Zack became the Black Mighty Morphin Power Ranger, and controlled the Mastodon Power Coin and the Mastodon Dinozord." I'm pleased to say that this plot point fits with my idea of Zack being insecure and feeling inferior. 

MMPR Interactive CD-ROM Info Points: 

- Zack's birthday was given as May 3, making him a Taurus, which I consider completely believable with the head-strong attitude he often has. 

- Zack was supposedly the fastest sprinter on Angel Grove High's track team, something I love to think off because in the giant mech, he is a leg(I believe) and because he seems more light on his feet rather than being bulky. 

- Intuition was the guide of Zack's life, as he frequently acted on gut feelings. Completely accurate with the character.

- Asked about favorite foods, Jason admitted he liked big bowls of ice cream, though not as big as Zack would eat. He seems like the type of character who eats a lot. 

- Asked about what music he liked, Jason said he liked hip hop, which he got from hanging around Zack too much; Zack and Jason would often dance around and have a good time in one of their garages, until someone would walk by, embarrassing them. Pleasingly Imaginable. 

- Zack described himself as the fun, bouncy member of the group, the crazy, fun-loving, spontaneous jokester; he added that he was a guy everyone got along with, and he'd always have an ear for people. Love the idea of him being the secret favorite of everybody. I always think of him like the Mark Watney of the crew if you know what I mean; the fun-loving, 'that's-what-she-said,' prankster, and the best listener of the group. 

- Zack's favorite ice cream was cookies and cream.

- On the topic of music, Zack said he liked hip hop, since he loved anything he could dance to, and although he claimed to be able to dance to almost anything, hip hop had a funky groove he liked; he also enjoyed a variety of other music from rap to old-style rock 'n roll such as Elton John and Billy Joel. He seems like the music-lover of the group. There's always one of them in every friend group. Though, despite loving a variety of music, he probably argues with Billy over whether or not Country music is any good. 

- Asked how he'd come up with hip hop kido, Zack said he'd combined dancing with martial arts, figuring it was the best way to have fun and defend oneself at the same time. What better way to defeat bad guys than with martial arts dance moves!

- Talking about her friends, Kim said she loved Zack, calling him fun and a great party guy who could always entertain people.

What are your thoughts on how the MMPR Zack Taylor vs the 2017 Zack Taylor? Do you agree with some of the facts? 

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