Chapter 8 - Saturday, Sept 19th - Evening

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A companionable calm settled around them as Diego occupied himself with his submissive and Cooper left to get them a fresh round of beers. The interlude gave Marcus a chance to ponder the solution Diego had proposed, and the more he thought about it, the more he wanted to smack himself for not thinking about it sooner. Delirium's anniversary gala was the perfect excuse. He couldn't believe he'd been so blinded by the consuming need to get to Tabitha for so long, that he'd never thought to bring her to him instead.

God, Diego was right. I really could be dense sometimes. The solution was right there but I couldn't see it with my goddamned dick in the way.

All they needed for the plan to work, was for Petra to somehow convince Tabitha to accompany her as her guest next Saturday. A little flare of excitement burst into life in Marcus' chest and his heart skipped a beat, making him giddy with anticipation.

If she comes, at very least, I'd get to see her. With any luck, she might even let me talk to her if she doesn't run away as soon as she sees me, that is. Gods, I need to see her again...and hold her. I really need to fucking hold her again.

Petra made a little snuffling noise, drawing Marcus' attention back to her. She whimpered in her sleep and Diego's hand automatically settled on her head, gently smoothing her tousled curls, quieting her. Marcus' heart wrenched in his chest and he forced his muscles to go stock-still, not even daring to breathe for fear that the howl of despair crawling up his throat would break free.

In a state of self-imposed paralysis, he watched them and wished he could tear his gaze away. Unaccustomed envy burned like a hot coal in his belly. Sitting heavily until waves of guilt cooled and congealed the jealousy into something equally as distasteful. He wanted nothing more than to purge the black thoughts from his mind, but his yearning for Tabitha wouldn't let him release his resentment towards his best friend so easily.

How could he begrudge Diego the happiness he'd found with Petra? The jealousy sunk its thorns into him again, sickening and shaming him...but...fuck! He wanted what Diego had too. For himself and for Cooper. And he wanted it with Tabitha.

God dammit! Didn't they deserve to be happy as well? Why the fuck did he want the one person in this stinking world that didn't want him back?

Enough! This isn't helping! Marcus squeezed his eyes shut and pictured Tabitha. One more week, little one, and then I am coming for you.

He opened his eyes, regarding the tender scene before him with a calmer mind. "She still out?" he asked, feigning an indulgent smile at Diego's sleeping partner, praying hope would dilute the toxic emotions trying to poison his thoughts.

Diego glanced up. His brown eyes mellow with love for the precious woman cuddled in his arms. Tilting his head, he brushed his lips lightly on her forehead and her lips twitched into a fleeting smile of contentment. "Yeah man. She's zonked like a narcoleptic. A good fuck always knocks her out."

"So..." Marcus drawled. "That was new. I can't believe you finally got her naked and fucked in public at the same time. Way to go, buddy."

"I know. Figures though. I'd prepared for, and expected a helluva lot of resistance but she barely complained. Her submission ended up blindsiding me." Diego chuffed, a grin playing on his lips. "Silly girl, she's just too stubborn to back down sometimes."

"Stubborn or not, she was still magnificent. You're a lucky bastard."

Diego stared curiously at his friend, picking up on the underlying note of longing he was trying hard to mask. "She really was fucking amazing. Blew me out of the water, that's for sure." He cocked his head and narrowed his eyes at Marcus. "Hey, you okay?"

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