2 (Rewritten)

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The house in the picture above is the one I pictured as I wrote this. (I kinda cheated with this and looked at a picture from the internet.) I'm not going to put too much detail in this, because I feel like you can give the setting some of your own details.

Gray clouds rolled by and I could't help but think that it was the perfect way to reflect my mood. I had just gotten off the bus without anything else happening. A few minutes before that, I got a call from my mother. She told me that her and my father had some business to attend to and wouldn't be home for dinner. Again. 

Of course, I was used to this already. See, to fully understand you need to know what they do and why they're gone all the time. My parents, Jason Lee and Annie Bown, met at college, they were both business majors. They were partnered in class and fell in love throughout the rest of their college days. They eventually got married a few years later. At this point, they had both started a business together. It was for boring bank stuff, I won't go into detail about that, it didn't really work out for them. Anyway, then a super lucky opportunity came up and they both got a job at a bank that was quickly becoming popular. Like any person who loves their job, both my parents worked really hard. This soon payed off and they were promoted, and over the next couple of years, they were promoted to major and important jobs in the company. My mom became pregnant after this, they then bought the home we live in now. Understand?

So, now they are gone all the time at meetings and what not. Ever since the incident happened, I've been pretty much a loner. No one wants to hang out with someone labeled as a murderer. 

I took my time as I walked up the stone pathway to my house, I loved our house. It was a two story house with columns lining the front. We also had a very large living room and storage room. It had four bedrooms, mine of course was upstairs, and it had two and a half bathrooms. All in all, it was an amazing house.

I walked through the front door and dropped my backpack next to my shoes. The living room was to the left through an open doorway and the stairs to the right, I chose to ignore both and walked forward. My feet padded across the hall echoing softly. The hallway opened into the dining room, my path turned to the right into the rest of the house. The kitchen. The glorious kitchen. 

I grabbed a bag of chips and dip, sat down and enjoyed my snack. As I ate, I got my homework out and completed it. A couple of hours after watching TV and lazing around my parents get home. 

"Nova?" My mom calls from the front door as she takes off her shoes.

"In here!" I yell back from the living room. 

"Okay. I'm making spaghetti tonight, do you want some?" I watch her walk down the hall to the kitchen as she asks.

"Yeah, I'll take some."

*    *    *



Twist some more.

  I play with the noodles on my fork.  

"Is something wrong with your food?" Dad asks from accross the table.

"No." Simple, easy response.

"Then why aren't you eating?"

I shrug "I'm just not that hungry."


"Oh, ok. Are you feeling okay?"


"Yes, I'm fine. May I be excused?" I stand and leave before either of them answer.

I hear them start talking about their stupid jobs again. Blah blah this, blah blah that. There is no room for Nova, you know, their daughter?

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