3 (Rewritten)

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I hoped the day would go well. it was going to be the first time that I met a celebrity. Eric prince was going to be all over the news, I just knew it. He was also probably going to be a rude son of a gun.  But aren't most people who are spoiled and basically get whatever they want on a silver platter? Who knows, maybe he'll surprise me?

I sincerely hope that you can hear the sarcasm in my voice. It's strong, like the force. 

I almost laughed at the thought. The school was just a few blocks away, so I ended up walking most of the time. Just before you would reach the school grounds there was a small coffee shop. I decided that I deserved one that day. I reached the little cafe with about twenty-five minutes to spare. I was mid-read in a special that they had on sale when I walked into the shop or more like into someone.

"Watch where you're going, you bitch!"

Oh gosh. Here it comes.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." I apologized.

She looked up and glared at me, her blonde hair fought to rest on her face. Recognition swept across very quickly. You, her eyes seemed to say. They then narrowed dangerously.

I'm in for it now.

"Just like before? What are you even doing here? Why don't you go pack up and leave? No one wants you here, not after what you did."

I squeezed my eyes shut to keep the tears at bay. Why did people always have to bring that up? I knew it was my fault, why keep shoving it in my face. Oh, right. Because I deserved this and more, especially after the incident.

It's your fault, why are you questioning what they say to you?

"At least I don't bully people and shove them around." Her eyes widened slightly and she looked around to see who was paying attention. No one, because no one cared what she would do to me.

She quickly punched me in the stomach and I doubled over in pain, clutching my stomach tightly. She bent low, I prepared myself for the worst. Next to my ear she whispered softly, so softly that no one but me heard.

"It should have been you."

I clenched my fist and squeezed my eyes together tightly. I agree, honestly and wholeheartedly, it should have been me. She stood, flipped her hair and walked out of the shop. I stayed like that for a moment, trying to gather my thoughts and recuperate. I breathed deeply taking in the bitter yet sweet aromas of coffee. 

The ring of the bell above the door caught my attention and in walked a boy. Or I should say man. He had so much confidence, you could see it in the way he strode across the room in his fancy suit. Almost everyone stopped and stared. Since the town is so small, everyone pretty much knew everyone else. 

One of the girls covered her mouth in a silent scream, her eyes widened and her face turned into the shape of an O. She quickly turned to her friend to the right and whispered in her ear. The second girl's head whipped around so fast, you would have thought she had snapped her neck. Immediately, the whole room busted into whispers and silent screams.

The O-girl slowly walks up to the man and tapped his shoulder. He turned with an irritated look on his face. She smiled at him nervously and held up a pen.

"Would you mind signing this?"

He raised an unamused eyebrow. Holy crap! He had one of the most handsome faces ever. His dark brown hair is up and to the side. He's tall, 6'2 maybe, I'm not sure. His red tie glared at me as I stared at the scene laid out in front of me.

"No, I won't sign anything while I'm here." He turned back to standing in line for his coffee. The girl's face dropped and I feel a little bad for her, but he said no. Nothing I can do to change that. Or maybe I can...

"Excuse me, sir?"

He turned again, this time for me. Oh, boy. His eyebrows raised again oh so sexily. I took a sharp intake of breathe.

"Yes? What do you need?" The sharp tone of his voice made me think carefully over my next words.

"I just have a question." Surprise crossed over his face, before he masked it quickly. I barely saw it.


"I don't really know why she asked, but how come you didn't sign whatever she had?"

"You don't know who I am?" Doubt filled his voice.

"Am I supposed to know who you are? I don't know usually know random people who walk down the street and into a coffee shop." It irritated me that he thought that everyone should just know who he was. Cocky jerk.

He gave me a deadpanned look. "You really have no idea who I am?"

I shook my head. No. Did he not understand the concept?

"Well then, I'm Eric. I'm pleased to meet you." Gasps surrounded us. He looks around with a smugness I didn't understand.

I smiled then. "Pleased to meet you as well. I'm Nova. I think I might be your new dance partner."

He mouths the name. "Nova." He smiles. "I like it. After we get our coffee, would you like to walk with me to the school? I'm going to be here for awhile and need to get to know my new partner." He winks. Winks! "What do you say? Want to be friends?"

I smiled, but it faltered. "I appreciate the offer, but you don't want to do that."

His smile dropped. "Why wouldn't I want that?"

"Um, most people here don't like me very much." I looked away from him.

"Why?" I glanced at him. His face was scrunched into a cute look of confusion.

I looked down in shame or embarrassment, I'm not sure. "I-I don't know." I stuttered, causing amusement to twinkle in his eyes.

"Well, whatever it is, I'm sure it's something stupid." He smiled again. Every time it made my heart beat faster.

"Yeah, stupid." If only.

Hey Dreamers! How's it going? 

I know that my chapters are short, but I plan to write many chapters to fill in the gap. So what do you think of the characters thus far? 

Did everyone have a Happy Halloween? 

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