The Forbidden Corridor

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The final week of school was spent with Alice and the rest of her classmates either immersed in their notes or in class doing an exam. Harry seemed to be even more stressed than the others and was easily startled.

“What's wrong Harry? I only asked if I could look at your paper on the goblin rebellions.”

“I'm sorry Alice, it's just this whole thing with the stone, and Voldemort. I feel like he's going to jump out at me any second.” Harry passed her his essay.

“Thanks, look I know it's scary but you have exams to focus on. Besides, Dumbledore is looking out for you. I don't think Voldemort can get to you while he's around.” Alice said trying to comfort him.

“Yeah I guess. I just know Snape is trying to get the stone for Voldemort and that he's got a pretty good chance of doing it.”

“You're forgetting how powerful Dumbledore is. He might not look it but he can get terrifying when hes angry.”

Harry looked at her concerned. “Has he ever been angry at you?”

Alice smiled, “Of course not. He's been worried, even scared but never angry.” She paused. “He saves that for people who really deserve it.”

“Like Voldemort?” Harry asked.

“Like Voldemort.” Alice said.

Alice was helping Hagrid shell some peas from his garden. She had just had her final exam and the manual work combined with the quiet company of the large man were relaxing to her.

Looking up Alice noticed Harry Ron and Hermione walking, almost running towards them.

“Hagrid, look” she said nudging the mans arm.

"Hullo," he said, smiling. "Finished yer exams? Got time fer a drink?"

"Yes, please," said Ron, but Harry cut him off.

"No, we're in a hurry. Hagrid, I've got to ask you something. You know that night you won Norbert? What did the stranger you were playing cards

with look like?"

"Dunno," said Hagrid casually, "it was kinda dark and he wouldn't take his cloak off. Couldn't see his face.”

Alice looked at him startled and he frowned at them.

“Aint nothin funny abou' that. Get lots o' funny folk in the Hogs Head. Mighta been a dragon dealer.”

“What did you talk about Hagrid?”

“Well he asked me what kind o' work I do, and I told him. I work at the school caring for animals and such. Then he asked me what kind o' animals I've worked with ... and I told him what I really wanted was a dragon. He said he had the dragon egg with him but needed to make sure I could handle it. I told him after fluffy a dragon's easy.”

“Did he seem interested in fluffy?” Asked Harry tentatively.

“Well yeah, how many three headed dogs do ya meet, even at Hogwarts. So I told him Fluffys a piece of cake once you know how to calm him down. Just play him a bit of music and he'll fall right to sleep.”

He suddenly looked shocked at what he had just said. “I shouldn't ave told ya that. Forge' I said anything.”

Alice stared as her three friends started running towards the school. “Hagrid, are you ok?”

“No I bloody well aren't. I told someone how to get pas' Fluffy, and now those three know, and so do you. I'm gonna be in so much trouble.”

“Don't worry Hagrid. Dumbledore is the best wizard in the world. If he can't protect the stone no one can.”

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