The Mirror

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Christmas was on it's way and the air seemed to buzz with the excitement of all the students. Alice was delighted to find that Harry and Ron would be staying. She couldn't wait to explore the halls with them and get up to all kinds of adventures.

She had got a lot braver since the three-headed dog. That had mostly been shock at the unexpectedness of the dogs presence.

"I do feel so sorry," said Draco Malfoy, one Potions class, "for everyone who has to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because they're not wanted at home."

Malfoy had been really sour about the Slytherin team losing and had taken to taunting Harry about being replaced by a large-mouth frog. No one found this funny though and he had gone back to insulting his lack of family.

Leaving the dungeons after potions they found their way blocked by a large tree with two enormous feet sticking out the bottom.

“Hi Hagrid, want any help?” Asked Ron.

“No thanks Ron, I got it.”

They followed Hagrid into the great hall and Alice nearly gasped audibly at the sight. There were twelve towering Christmas trees all decorated with tinsel and glowing ornaments

"How many days you got left until yer holidays?" Hagrid asked.

"Just one," said Hermione. "And that reminds me -Harry, Ron, we've got

half an hour before lunch, we should be in the library."

"Oh yeah, you're right," said Ron

“The library?” Hagrid asked. “Bit keen aren't you?”

“We're just looking for Flamel. We've been trying to find out who he is ever since you mentioned him.” Said Harry.

“Alice are you helpin' too?” Asked Hagrid snapping his head in her direction.

“Yeah” Alice mumbled her eyes on the floor.

“Never woulda thought. You four need to leave this whole thing alone. Dumbledore knows what he's doing and you lot don't need to be snooping around.” Hagrid had accidentally knocked down some tinsel in his anger and was now trying to untangle it from his mass of hair.

“We just want to know who Nicolas Flamel is.” Hermione pouted.

“Well I'm tellin ya nothin. No, that's my final answer.”

“Fine, we'll just have to find out for ourselves.” Said Ron.

“Sorry Hagrid. I promise we wont tell anyone you told us.” Alice said giving the giant man a hug. Her short arms barely covering his middle. He patted her on the back.

“Well just don't go around shouting about this stuff. Its alright to be curious as long as no one gets hurt. Fluffly's not exactly the most gentle dog.”

“We would never have guessed Hagrid.” Ron smirked.

Hagrid smiled and turned to help set up the great hall.

“So where should we look next?” Asked Ron as they entered the massive library.

“I'm going to get some books on recent magical discoveries and stuff like that.” Said Alice walking over to one to the aisles.

Ron started taking random books off shelves and Hermione had a list she was going through. Alice noticed Harry walk over to the restricted section. Alice didn't think he would be in there though. That was full of dark magic and why would a friend of Dumbledore's be in a book about dark magic?

Once the holidays came none of them were very interested in Flamel anymore. Alice was watching Ron and Harry play chess and joining them in roasting stuff over the fire. It was so relaxing Alice could have slept the entire time.

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