The Sorting

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"Ah, professor Dumbeldore. I see you've brought us another student." McGonagall said.

"yes, this is Alice. I have been looking after her for a few weeks now."

"thank you Albus."

"it's shall see you all in a few moments." Dumbeldore said as he bowed out of the room.

A redheaded boy turned to Alice and asked. "what was it like living with Dumbeldore?"
Alice thought for a second and said. "he has a lot of unusual things. He also doesn't talk much."

"cool." the boy seemed awed.

"so what's your name?" Alice asked

"Oh, I'm Ron. Ronald Weasley and this is Harry." he gestured to a black haired boy next to him.

"Hi" said harry. Alice thought he looked nervous.

Just then professor McGonagall reentered the room and guided all the first years into the great hall. Alice had already seen the magnificent room with its enchanted ceiling and while the others stared at it she instead looked at the older students. They all seemed to be whispering something and it wasn't until she passed a tall witch at the Ravenclaw table that she heard what they were saying.

"Harry Potter."

"It is him, I heard he would be coming this year." 

Alice looked to see who they were pointing at and saw Harry, the boy she had met just a few moments earlier. He seemed really normal, she hadn't thought that he was Harry Potter. Then again she had other things on her mind. He didn't seem to be enjoying the attention and was staring straight up at the ceiling trying to ignore the whispers and stares.

"Alice Aera. Alice. Alice!"

Professor McGonagall had to call Alices' name three times before she snapped out of her daze. She ran to the stool amid gales of laughter and slammed the hat on her head to hide her embarrassment.

"Ah yes, Alice. So nice to finally meet you. You have much talent, just like your father though much kinder. Now where to put you? I know, GRYFFINDORE!" The hat shouted the last word and Alice removed it from her head to run to the cheering table.

Since Alice was the first she got to watch the others get sorted without any stress. She noticed that Neville Longbottom and Hermione Granger took the longest, almost 5 minutes. Harry was almost last to be sorted. He looked kinda like he was going to be sick and Alice wished she could give him a hug. It was almost a minute before the hat shouted GRYFFINDORE! and Harry got off the stool looking very relieved.

"Nice Harry, we're in the same house." Alice said helping herself to some potatoes.

"Yeah." Harry said grinning and pouring some pumpkin juice.

Alice looked up at Dumbledore. He was looking at Harry with kind of a sad look on his face. Harry looked up at him and he started up a conversation with professor McGonagall. Alice missed spending every waking moment with the headmaster. He was like her father and he had already taught her so many things, wonderful things about magic. That was why she was so excited to learn the practical part. She didn't want to show off though. That might scare off her new friends.

She looked at Ron and Harry and smiled to herself. Ron had his mouth full of chicken and was trying to explain something to Harry who was trying to listen through the muffled sounds and find recognizable words.  

 She was sitting beside Hermione who started telling her all about the castles magic.

"And you can't apparate, that is disappear and reappear somewhere else, inside the castle or grounds. I don't know what happens if you try but we won't learn that til we're of age anyways."

Alice smiled, she wasn't really listening. She was happy, for the first time in her life she would have people her own age to talk to. Dumbledore was great but he was also seventy years or so older than her. He never did tell her his age. Hermione, Ron, and Harry and her would all be the best of friends by the end of the year. Alice was sure of it.

Alice and the Room of Secrets (Harry Potter Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें