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Louis' POV

"What do you mean you don't want to play?"

"I just don't. I'm not in the mood."

"But we play every Sunday morning, Louis."

"But I don't want to play today, Harry. I really don't want to."

He sighed and pouted. "Fine," he grumbled, and I felt bad, but I was honestly not in the mood to play. I was over it.

I sat on the couch and looked at the sappy movie on Lifetime. I wasn't in the mood to do anything. I was in a bleh mood. I sighed and rolled my eyes as the ending of the sappy movie ended horribly. Too cliche.

"Louis! Breakfast's ready!" Harry called from the kitchen.

"I'm not hungry!" I called back.

Harry came into the living room, holding two plates of food. "You're eating."


"Louis, it's been a week and you've moping around too much. Get happy. Please? For me?"


He sighed and set the plates down on the table. Of course I was unhappy. My girlfriend dumped me because everyone thinks I'm gay. It's a horrible thing to be accused of something you're not. It sucks, but what sucks more is that I have no idea if these accusations are actually true or not. I who are middle-aged and have families question their sexuality. I hate saying that, but I have to admit it's true. I am honestly admitting that I'm questioning my sexuality. It's very frustrating. I got up from the couch and left Harry with two plates worth of food and went upstairs to my room. I pulled out my phone and called my mother.

"Hello sweetie," she greeted.

"Hi Mummy," I replied.

"Is everything okay? You sound kind of down."

"A lot has happened."

"Tell me all about it, Louis."

"Well, Eleanor broke up with me."

"What? Why would she do that?"

"She thinks I'm gay."

"Just because of the kiss?"

"Yeah, and because of all those other Larry moments."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Louis. Though just think of how this leaves you more room to find the perfect one."

"I know."

"Is there anything else?"

"She might be right."

My mum paused. "That you're gay?"

"I don't know Mum. I just...feel like no woman is going to love me, and then I look at Harry and..."

"I see. Being curious is normal."

"But what should I do?"

"Explore your sexuality, my boy. This is the one time I'm giving you the right to whore around. I don't have to worry about you becoming a father quickly if you experiment."

I smiled faintly. "I love you, Mum."

"I love you, too. Now are you better?"

"Yes, Mum."

"Alright. Well goodbye then, dear."

"Bye." I hung up and sighed. I pulled out my laptop and sat it on the table. I decided to use twitcam for the fans. I adjusted the camera and then said, "Hello fans. Haven't spoken to you in a while. Sorry about that, but we're off tour now and so now I have time to talk before we record our next album. I've been a little down lately. I got dumped for wrong reasons and it's quite upsetting. She thinks I'm gay, and I completely ship Larry Stylinson. I love Larry, and I don't care if my fans write fanfictions or make videos, but I just wish the media would stya out of it. It's getting personal. The media never helps with anything anyway. I-"

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