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Harry POV~

I raised my eyebrows. "Check," I said and grinned at my opponent. I'm so close! I can almost beat him for once! "Looks like you've let your guard down, Louis"

Louis looked at the board frantically. "Impossible," he said. Then he moved his rook and said, "Checkmate. You're the one who let you guard down, Mr. Styles."

I sighed. That was the closest I had ever been to defeating him. He totally let his guard down...but I suppose I got ahead of myself and still lost. Either was, I was definitely going to win this game someday.

I had stretched the following morning after our show, giving a big yawn. I got up, did my business in the bathroom, and then jumped back onto the bed. I pulled out my laptop and searched for news about Larry Stylinson. The headlines were all about our kiss last night. At first I thought it was funny, and I thought I looked pretty good in the pictures, but then I actually read the articles. "This relationship might be real after this kiss, because let's face it - you'd have to be pretty gay to kiss your best friend, and Louis Tomlinson has always seemed a little feminine don't you think?

I frowned, because I knew Louis would not like reading that the media is making him out to be gay. When the fans make their Larry videos and stories, he thinks they're weird and funny but he doesn't mind. We love the fans, and most of those who want Louis and I to be in a relationship also wouldn't mind being in a relationship with one of us. The fans can ship us all they like, but when they say one of us is gay, that's not okay. If one of us actually was gay, then of course it's okay, but being called something you're not is something I hate. I don't like to be called a flirt all the time. Yeah, I do flirt a lot, but the other guys do, too. And what do they mean he's feminine? For one thing, that's totally stereotyping gay men, and stereotyping is a horrible thing. We're all pretty feminine, and honestly I'm more like a girl than any of them. Like when Louis kissed me - I was gushing like a school girl! If anyone is gay it's me... but I'm bisexual. Of course, no one knows except for my mum, but maybe it's time for a change. And here I am, exemplifying the stereotype that bisexual guys are flirts. I need to one it down a bit... or maybe tone up my homosexuality side. Whatever. I'll think about it.

I got out of the bed and put on some clothes, knowing the guys would just tell me to put on some clothes since we're in a hotel. I looked at the room and it finally occurred to me that Louis wasn't there. I went down the hall to Liam's room and knocked. He opened the door and I came in to join the other guys. I sat next to Louis on the couch and we watched TV. I wasn't really paying attention, since I was too tempted to tell them, but I didn't know how. Maybe when my mum visits I can have her tell them, or I can tell them one on one.

Eventually Niall and Zayn went out to Nando's and Louis said he had to meet up with Eleanor, so it was just Liam and I. I took it as a chance to talk to Liam, because he would know what to do.

"Did you get any sleep last night?" I asked him.

"Yep. I collapsed immediately," he replied. "Did you?"

"Yeah, enough."

"You okay Harry?"

"I'm fine," I said.

"You seem kind of glum."

I sighed and lied on my stomach to look at him. "Well, there's something on my mind lately..."

"You know you can always tell me anything," Liam said reassuringly.

"I know." I knew he wouldn't care or that he'd judge me or anything, but I just didn't know how to say it. I groaned. "Fine. I'll say it. I'm bisexual, and I know you don't care and you won't make a big deal about it, but there you go."

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