They stood in a line while Snape pulled out his wand, muttered a few words then they became into their disguises again. Snape looked over them.
"If you feel yourself changing again, come to me to get another dose, otherwise I think you will be fine for the next week." He looked around the room as if waiting for someone.

The three stared at him. Snape turned around and looked at them.

"Well? Go on! I am really busy!" With that he pushed them out.

Scorpius stared at the wall that was the room Snape had just pushed them out from. "He sounded...almost like he was waiting for someone...kinda weird huh?"

Albus shrugged. "Maybe he had papers to grade, who cares?"

Rose nodded. "Yeah it doesn't matter."

Scorpius looked as though he wanted to say something, but shrugged.

As they walked down the hall they heard something.

"Shh... what was that?" Scorpius whispered. Rose signaled them to be quiet and then they hid behind a nearby statue. A man was anxiously limp walking down the hallway, making strange noises as if he were in pain.

He walked past through a ray of moonlight from the full moon that was coming through a window. As he passed the ray, he grunted and groaned harder and his fists clenched. He didn't see the trio, as he seemed to be in a hurry to get somewhere. Just as he passed the same inch of wall that they had come out of, Snape's hands reached out and grabbed the man through the wall.

Scorpius looked at Albus and Rose with wide eyes.

Rose spoke up. "I recognize him! He's the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher! I can't remember his name, though, but something was wrong with him."

Scorpius looked at the inch of wall the man had just disappeared through. "Yeah, but it's almost like I've seen his face somewhere else."

Rose and Albus looked at him oddly.

"What could he possibly be doing wandering the halls at 10 pm?" Albus said. "There's something not right."

"That must be why Snape wanted us out of the room so quickly! See, I told you guys he was waiting for someone!" Scorpius said excitedly.

Rose continued staring at the inch of wall. "You know, I wish I knew what the professor's name was! I can't even think of it right now!"

Albus started to say something, when suddenly both the man and Snape appeared through the wall. The three listened to them talking.

"Thank you Severus, I am not sure how I would do all this without you."

Snape gave a curt nod. "Its fine, as long as it is working and helping you."

Scorpius eyes widened looking at his friends. "You don't think the Defense of the Dark Arts teacher is ga-"

Albus slapped his arm. "Get your mind out of the gutter! Not everything is to be meant in that way, you freak!" He said, glaring at his friend.

Snape and the teacher looked at each other awkwardly for a second, nodded at each other then turned in opposite directions.

Scorpius shushed them, because Snape had stopped right next to where they were standing.

Snape sneezed, then while looking forward, reached an arm out and plucked them from behind the statue.

Scorpius looked at him in amazement. "Excuse me sir, but how did you do that?"

Snape gave a vain smile. "Don't underestimate my abilities, Destis." He said with a smirk at the last word. He let go of them. "Now I want you three to leave."

Rose and Albus started to head in the other way, but Scorpius stayed where he was. "Sir, where are you going?" Albus was about to jab him in the ribs, but to their surprise Snape actually responded.

"I am going to Knockturn Alley." He said then proceeded to turn.

Scorpius stared at him in amazement. "Really! What ever for? Father tells me never to go there, but I do anyways."

Snape stared at him. "I am purchasing some rare mice." he said stiffly then continued turning.

Scorpius continued following him. "When are you coming back?" Albus was prepared to tackle him to get him to shut up, but he was too late.

"Do I have to tell you my ENTIRE day's agenda? Do I have to tell you I'm going to Knockturn Alley at 11:00 pm? Do I have to tell you why I take baths at 3:00 am?" He yelled.

Scorpius gasped. "You take baths!?"

Luckily, just then Mrs. Norris the cat appeared, obviously roused by all the commotion. She hissed angrily at them.

"I hate cats." Snape said.

Scorpius looked at him. "Why?"

"They always devour my mice," He said, somewhat bitterly.

"How many mice have you gone throu-"

Snape cut him off. "You know what? I don't have time for you right now." With that he lurked into the shadows and disappeared.

Albus walked over and glared at him. "Did you really have to ask that many questions Scorpius?!"

Scorpius shrugged. "I just was wondering what a man would want to do at almost 11 at night!"

Albus shook his head. Finally they reached the hall that split into their houses. And from the shadows, a rather large black dog watched them go and split up to their houses.

A Stitch in TimeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang