Chapter 4

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Rose walked uneasily behind Dumbledore. Gosh, this man seems out of his mind! I wonder where he is taking me...

Rose glanced at a figure coming up in the hall. It was an Asian 4th year girl walking toward them. She was pretty, and looked kind enough to be someone Rose would like to have as a sister. Dumbledore changed back to his calm demeanor. Is this guy bipolar or something? She thought.

"Miss Cho Chang, this is Miss Jade Knox, your new housemate."

Cho smiled back at her. "Welcome to Ravenclaw, Jade. Just follow me."

Rose smiled back at her. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all!

Dumbledore spun around to face Scorpius.

"Scorpius, follow me! I have a delightful surprise for you that will be just fabulous!"

Scorpius continued analyzing the carpet of the hallway.

Footsteps were heard at the other end of the hallway. On a first glance, it looked as though Scorpius was staring down at himself but then he realized that it was... HIS FATHER?

Draco Malfoy sneered at Scorpius. "Who - no, wait - WHAT are you supposed to be?"

Scorpius stared at his father with utter shock. THIS was his father? At home Draco was calm and cool most of the time and certainly never sneered at Scorpius. Sure, they fought, but his dad was never like this.

Scorpius gained some of his swag back. "I happen to be Destis Spink of THE pureblood Spink family!" He said with a sneer that matched his father. Scorpius felt quite happy; at home he never would have sneered at him and now was his chance. Also he was glad he chose a pureblood name, actually the name of one of the ruder quality of Slytherins.

Draco looked taken back, as Scorpius loomed over him thankful for the 3 extra inches Dumbledore had given him.
"Well, I'm sure you have heard of MY pureblood family, the Malfoys!"

Scorpius smirked at him. "I don't think I have heard of them, sorry my dear boy," he said while punching Draco a little too hard on the shoulder.

Draco glowered at him. Dumbledore got in between the two boys.

"Now, now, children we don't want to fight especially with you two being housemates! Now run along Draco and show Destis his quarters," Dumbledore edged Draco along, while stealing a twinkling wink at 'Destis'.

Dumbledore pulled Albus out of the room.

"Now, my dear boy, I hope you didn't think I was going to forget about you!" he said.

Dumbledore ushered Albus to a lanky red-head standing at the end of the hall. It didn't take Albus long enough to recognize that it was his very own Uncle Ron.

Ron shook Albus' hand. "Good to meet you, er... what did you say your name was again?"

Typical Uncle Ron behavior. " my name is Dante Greff."

Ron looked at Dumbledore. "Well, sir is it alright if I take Dante to his quarters?"

Dumbledore smiled. "Yes, of course Ron! Don't waste another minute! It's late already, and youth need their sleep!"

Albus glanced at Ron to see if such behavior was to be expected from Dumbledore. Ron simply looked down the hall, while leading him to the Gryffindor house.

After 5 minutes of a long dead silence, Ron decided to make conversation.

"So, er, you're the new student huh?"

"Yeah, I'm Dante." he reminded him.

"Well, Dante you are quite lucky you got sorted into Gryffindor you see, because if you were to be sorted into Slytherin, you would have to deal with all sorts of unpleasant stuff like-"

Just then, Snape came rushing down the hall like a bat, holding potion materials. Ron glanced at Albus as if that was an example of the horrors Slytherin had to offer.

Snape looked at Albus and Ron.

"So, you're sorted into Gryffindor? Not Slytherin?" He said looking shocked.

Albus shrugged looking somewhat embarrassed. Ron looked from Snape to Albus.

"Well, I mean the Sorting Hat-"

"It doesn't matter, He's with us now, Professor."

"Weasley, make sure he is settled in, if he is not I will find you to blame. And you, Dante. Come to my office at 10 in the evening tomorrow, sharp."

With that, Snape sulked back to the shadows in which he had appeared from. Ron shook his head.

"See that! That is what you have to deal with in Slytherin! Snape is one of the meanest professors. Anyway, it's your first day here and, of course, he is making you go to his office! He hates Gryffindor kids the most so don't be shocked if you go to Potions and he hates your guts."

Albus nodded pretending that what Ron was saying actually made any sense in his case.

"Ah, here we are. Gryffindor house."

Albus stopped for a second looking at the painting of the fat lady guarding the entrance.


The painting swung open revealing the Gryffindor common room.

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