He had the knife in his hand pointing it at me. "Why so soon? You know I've always taken you as the girl who could take anything no make how fast it hit you"

I took a breath. "Let's see how well you take this" he flings the knife at Grayson

I run to catch it in a flash and I did

If it would have hit him, it would have went through his throat

I turn to look at him and he looks at me in shock

Ethan starts clapping "bravo what a good catch. If that took any longer it would be bye bye gray"

Brie steps in "I think it time for you to stop" she says getting closer to him

He grabs her by the neck and shoves her against the wall "you don't tell me when to stop" she was gasping for air. I have to stop this

He lets Brie go as I run up to him and grab him by the neck against the wall "Brie take Grayson and leave"

Grayson's POV

I'm scared and confused. I don't know what's going on

Why did Ethan try to kill me?
How did Isabella run to me so fast?
How are they both so strong?

"Brie take Grayson and leave" Isabella says as she pins Ethan to the wall by his neck. "But Isa-" I try to say but she cuts me off "Just go."

She turns around and her face shocks me. Her eyes red, veins moving under her eyes; like the vampire from my nightmares. I got scared a ran off with Brie

Isabella's POV

As soon as they leave I fling Ethan across the table

"What is wrong with you?" I yell at him. He got up slowly

"You could've killed him!" "Oh really I didn't think about that" he said sarcastically

He throws a plate at me, I ducked. "So you don't care about anyone?" I ask him

He begins to walk closer to me

"NO! Haven't you been listening?! I'll say it again so you can hear it in your little idiotic bat brain. No. I don't care about about anyone or anything. So why don't you go explain all this to Grayson because I can't wait for him to leave town so your sorry guilty ass can also leave for good" He said and walked off

In that moment I knew; Nothing is going to get him back

I walk out of the house, walking very slowly

Brie runs up to me and puts her arm around me "Hey I heard a lot of crashing, are you ok?"

I look up and see Grayson on the sidewalk with a blank look in his face

I could tell he was worried but too scared to come up to me


I walk the halls alone

Since that night Grayson has avoided me

I lean on my locker looking at him, then Brie walks up behind me

"Still avoided him?"

"No he's avoiding me" I correct her

"Well if you're not avoiding him, why don't you go talk to him?" She asks. "Because" I place my hand over my face "its complicated" I sigh "you know. You were there"

"Yes, I was there. In the the same place Grayson's in right now. And right now he needs answers. Who know what he's thinking right now"

I look up and he's walking to class. I look back at Brie and she nudges her head in the direction he's was walking "go" I give her and slight smile and do as she says

He enters his class, I'm already here. He walks through the door and I get up behind him

"So" I say and he jumps

He's slightly shaking I can sense it

And his heart was ponding

I can hear it

"You've been avoiding me" I say. "I...uh" he stutters

"Listen I well explained everything to if you give me the chance"

"No. I don't what to know" I shoot him a confused look

"What do you mean? Don't you want answers?" I ask

"Yes. No. I don't know. But I know if I do know what going on I'll be afraid of you, and I don't want to be afraid of you Isabella"

"But you're already afraid" I said getting closer "your hearts pounding" he places his hand over his chest

The bell rings and people start to walk in

I walk out of the class leaving Grayson standing as people walk pass to get to their seat

I walk out and Brie is waiting outside "so how did it go?" She seemed hopeful

"Not as I hoped but its a start I guess" I say back to her

"Well I just got word that there's going to be cheerleading tryouts tomorrow. Maybe that will cheer you up; ya know get you mind off things"

"Whats cheerleading? I think you forgot got I lived half of my life as an infant"

"Oh right well when your a cheerleader you basically cheer, do flips and are basically known around the school"

"I don't know if I want to be known around the school" I say nervously

"Oh come, you're going and we are going to have a fun time. No boy drama. Deal?" She raises her pinky. "Deal" I grab her pinky with mine

"Plus some old seniors from a few years ago are going to be the judges. It'll be fun. Hey! I have to go to the planning committee and decorate for a teachers surprise party. Wanna join in?" She asks me. "Nah I'm good just don't have to much fun without me" she laughs and I smile as I leave the school

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