Characters;Bulk and Skull

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Character(s); Bulk and Skull\

First Apperance: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; Day of the Dumpster

Last Apperance: Power Rangers Samurai; Samurai Forever

Farkas "Bulk" Bulkmeier and Eugene "Skull" Skullovitch, from the very beginning, provided much of the in the series, usually through an over-the-top; their actions were often punctuated with cartoony sound effects, and they came with their own , which Jason Narvy has said was based on Skull's high pitched, whiny laugh and "fat guy: ". This was highlighted by their physical appearances: Bulk was heavyset and Skull was lean, similar in style to the comedy duo . Bulk was the dominant member of the duo, and Skull would usually follow and attempt to emulate Bulk. Such is exemplified when Skull would repeat whatever Bulk had said, usually beginning with "Yeah." They were the bullies of Angel Grove and are still the most iconic duo to date.

Fun Fact these two are the two longest running characters for the series being they have never once been rangers, but they remain Bulk and Skull throughout 24 seasons. I have always loved these two doofuses, they always made me laugh and I miss them a lot.

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