Chapter two: So close, but not Quite

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I come to realize that this story is probably sh*t and all but I still continue to write it, if it really does suck please just tell me I need comments!!!!!

Shylo to the side --------->



Shylo and I decide to go our separate ways, him going to his friends and me to my locker. As I got to my locker I saw Chris leaning against it with a goofy grin on his face.

"So.....ash, where were you yesterday? I went by your apartment but you weren't there." He says making his way toward me.

"Since when is where or whom I'm with any of your

"Aha! So you were with someone yesterday."


"No I wasn't with anyone yesterday." Obviously lying.

"Sure, listen if you were with him yesterday I don't care just be careful I don't want the same thing happening like before."

"Ok don't worry if something happens you'll be the first to know, anyway I gotta get to class, see ya at lunch."

"K, bye."

With that we both went our separate ways. I looked at the time 'oh shit, what is up with me and being late.' I ran almost knocking over a couple of people, until I actually bumped in to someone.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" I say worried that I hurt them

"Are you o-" I look at the person in front of me. It's him.




He looks down at me, his 6'0 frame hovering over my 5'2. His lips turn into a menacing smile.

"I'm back my sweet little Ashton."

I don't know what happen next but one minuet I'm standing in front of Troy and the next I'm running towards my class. I look back to make sure he isn't behind me and to my luck he is.

'come on I'm so close'

I made it to the class room I opened the door, the teacher look at me with a disappointing look, nothing new.

"Why are you late Mr. Davis?" He says with a grim look

"Uhh I-..."

"He was with me sir."


"He was showing me around the school because I got lost."

The teacher took his eyes off of Troy and brought them to me.

"Hmm alright, Mr. Davis take a seat and you Troy come with me."

I immediately went to my seat all eyes following until Mr. Canners clears his throat.

"Class I would like to introduce to you a new student, his name is Troy Harris, Troy would you mind introducing yourself."

"Of course, hi I'm Troy Harris as Mr. Canners said, I come from the state of California, my favorite subject is maths, and I like football."

"So class I expect you all to show Troy the Haven white wolves hospitality."

"You can just take any empty seat available."

"why does the only seat available have to be two seats away from me, why!" I thought almost crying.

I glance at Troy he notices me staring and winks. Bile rises up my throats as the memories of being with him come back. What did I ever see in him? I raise my hand and ask the teacher if I may be excuse noticing that if I stay in that room any longer I might have a panic attack.

Once I'm out of the room I text Chris.

*hey Chris can you meet me in the gym*

He replied back instantly

*Sure, what wrong?*

*I'll tell you when you get here*


After sending the text I sat down on the bleacher and not moments later the gym door opened revealing a worried Chris.

"Hey what wrong ash?" He say making his way next to me.

"Umm.. how do I put this, he's back."

Chris gave me a confused look that said 'who?'

"Troy Chris, Troy! He's back and he's going to hurt me a-again just like h-he did back t-then."

I looked up at him and his eyes widen.

"Hey, don't cry it's going to be fine he won't do anything to you and he's not going to, not with me here, ok?"

"Ok, thank you for being such a good friend Chris."

He looked down at me and smiled


Suddenly the door opened and my heart stopped.

"Found you my sweet little ash, oh and Chris is here two."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2017 ⏰

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