A Christmas to Remember: A Fairy Tail Gratsu Fic

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                   I hummed softly as I washed the dishes. The huge Christmas party at the guild had been, as usual, loud and a lot of fun. Everyone exchanged gifts and kissed under the mistletoe. Mira had even made a huge Christmas cake. It was a lot of fun, but Christmas wasn't over. Gray had told me that he would miss the party, but he had promised that he would be back to give me my present. So here I was, waiting in Gray's apartment (that we now shared) for my boyfriend to come home.

                   "When will he be here?" I sighed sadly. 

                    I let out a small gasp as a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist.

                   "Merry Christmas, Natsu." He whispered softly in my ear.

                     I smiled softly and twisted myself around to plant a kiss on his pale lips. "Merry Christmas Gray."

                    He laughed and pulled a small bag from behind his back, "I got you your present."

                    I pulled myself away and snatched away the bag. I led him to the couch, sitting down and looking at the bag with excitement.

                   "What is it?" I asked, trying to judge its weight.

                   "Open it and find out." He laughed. I moved my hand, prepared to tear away the tissue paper before a thought crossed my mind.

                     "Oh wait!" I jumped up from the couch and ran into the bedroom. I dug through my drawer before pulling out a small velvet box. I ran back into the TV room, sitting down next to Gray once again.

                     "What's this?" He asked looking at the box in my hand.

                     "Your present." I said, holding it out to him. He gave me a curious look before taking it and opening it softly.

                      "Oh, god Natsu." He looked at the ring in awe. It was a thick silver band, with a intricate design carved into it. It was a sparkling flame and a crackling ball of ice, connected in a yin and yang style.

                      "Do you like it?!" I asked, practically jumping up and down in my seat.

                      "I love it," he slid it on his index fingers, eyes widening as the fire and ice began to swirl around each other.

                       "It reacts to your emotions, pretty cool right? I thought you'd like it because with the ice and the fire- mmph!"

                        He cut me off by pressing his lips against mine. I was shocked at first, Gray was fairly closed off and wasn't into the lovey- dovey stuff, so it was always nice when opened up. I smiled against his lips before he pulled away.

                       "Thank you."

                        I smiled brightly at him, before grabbing my own present. "Now what did you get me?"

                        "Open it and see," he chuckled as I ripped through the tissue paper. I gasped when I saw it.

                        "Gray..." I pulled out a small dragon figurine, that looked exactly like Igneel. It had fire red scales and the same glowing golden eyes. I gasped as it yawned and shifted into a sitting position.

                       "Enchantment. Moves like it's alive, but it doesn't eat or anything. Though it does seem to be a lazy little thing."

                        I laughed softly as I stared down at it. It looked exactly like Igneel. It let out a small puff of smoke as it arched it's back. My eyes glazed over, and I felt the tears rolling down cheeks.

                         "Natsu, I'm sorry I-"

                         "No Gray," I gazed up at him smiling. "I love it. I love it more than you could ever know." I threw my arms around his neck, letting the tears fall freely. After a moment I pulled away slowly.

                          "Merry Christmas Natsu," he smiled softly at me.

                          "Merry Christmas, Gray."


A Christmas to Remember: A Fairy Tail Gratsu FicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora