Chapter 5.

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To their surprise, Lucas and Raven's apartment was a couple of blocks away from Theresa and Enzo's. They were frequent visitors that brought good times and laughter to their lives.

They were all in the apartment when they heard a knock on the door.

"Fran!" said Theresa at the sight of her weeping boss. "What's wrong?"

"Oh Darling, the piece that you turned in was absolutely perfect!" Fran blew her nose with a tissue she had in her hand. "It was touching, sweet, intimate," she sighed. "Jack is so excited to meet you! Don't tell him I told you but, he said that just by reading your piece, the job is yours if you want it," Fran sniffled a little and started sobbing again. "Oh, Theresa how much I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too Fran." The editor pulled her prodigy into an embrace.

"You take care of yourself." After those final words, she turned around, and left the apartment. Leaving a bittersweet taste at the back of Theresa's mouth. She was about to walk back inside her home but her phone started to ring.

"Tessa here."

"Good morning Miss Kyle." The announced herself as Marissa Winter, Jack Hendrick's personal assistant. Theresa's ability of speech had been cut out of her throat. She opened her mouth but nothing came out if it. "Hello? Miss Kyle? Can you hear me?" She took a deep breath, and moved her mouth, a few incomprehensible sounds came out of it. "Are you okay? Miss Kyle?"

"Y-yes h-hi!" her voice was like sand paper against my throat. "Good... eh... hi!" she frowned. English Theresa!

"Very well," said the woman. "Let me connect you with Mr. Hendrick. It'll be just a second."

Tessa was out on hold, and after a couple of seconds a man picked up the phone.

"Miss Kyle!" greeted Jack. "Frances gave me your most recent article to read, and I must say; I was impressed. You make your writing personal, not everybody has that ability."

"Thank you, Mr. Hendrick."

"She also told me how dedicated you are to the job, you've never turned down a piece, no matter how odd or hard it was. You are a dedicated journalist, and that I'd be a fool if I didn't hire you." He laughed. "Of course, that her actual words were; 'Jackie I swear to god if you don't hire her I'll move into your house and spill water on your face every time you close your eyes.'" Theresa chuckled with tears threatening to come out of her eyes. "So, Miss Kyle, I've decided to trust Frances's judgement. She may be a bit... uh... eccentric, but at the end of the day, there's a method behind her madness."

"Does this mean that..."

"Yes, you got the job." Her eyes widened and she clenched my jaw, suppressing a scream. "Have a good day Miss. Kyle."

"Yes... you too."

She stood there on the hallway outside her apartment. She had her cellphone next to her ear. The breeze coming out of the open window blew the hair out of her face, and the chirping of the birds clashed with the loud honking of the cars. She closed her eyes as a smile made its way to her lips.

As she walked back inside, Lucas and Enzo were placing two brown bags with food on the kitchen counter and Raven was reading a book on the couch with Bean sleeping on her lap.

"What?" asked Enzo.

"I got the job at Iron Towers," she said in a high pitch voice.

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