The voice

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  It felt really nice, to sit on the roof.

(I wonder if...there are more people here........)

I hug my injured legs.

I let out a sigh.


"I hear her.........." The voice of male spoke.

"Really..?! What is she saying...?" A young female asked back.

He breathed. " She has a strong will.........., but I'm afraid she doesn't realize just how injured she is....."

" Mh........she is like Yuki then..................I wanna meet her."

The white haired make looked up from his seat." In time we will, finding her in that state, I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't trust us."


".......Mh...." I hugged my legs still, deep in thought.

( No house....., all I own is in that backpack..)

" You're going to get worse sitting there." A deep voice cut me off.

"?" I tilted my head looking up to find that tall man in black and silver eyes, standing there.

He kept his distance, but still watched me.

"....... s-sorry.........." I looked down.

Luka held a calm facial expression, but he was trying to not scare me away.

".....what...happened.......3 days ago.......why where you trapped all alone.......?" He spoke in a soft tone, like if he was speaking to a child.

".........I.............." I couldn't find the words to speak.
A tear pricked at my eyes. I looked away to the side,my hair covering the trail of my tear that dropped down my cheek.

Luka's eyes widen and soften once more. " .....I ....what is you're name......if I may ask..?" The words rolled of Luka's tounge.

I still had my face turned away as another tear dropped. I swallow.

"..._______..." I breath out my name.

"... call me Luka." The man stepped closer to me.

What caught his eyes in shock was that he saw a tear drop once again from my eyes to the ground.


(....Luka.....he seems to be nice......)

"........." He stepped loser once more, to see if I was really crying.

(She........really is crying......)

(I....I have no home... no house! I EVEN! Tch! lost My precious friends!! ) I yelled at myself hard.


"I better go now."

"W-what..? Why?" The girl tilted her head.

" She is in really bad shape, her heart might shatter if I don't go now. I.....can't bear to hear her sad crying thoughts." The silver haired guy stood and left.

UraBoku Betrayel Luka X Reader X KurotoWhere stories live. Discover now