"And if I hear anyone has been fighting knowing fine well he's in here, then don't be suprised when the Peaky Blinders come knocking." He finished, looking around the room.

All of the men raised their glasses into the air in agreeance.

"We wouldn't put Danny's nephew in harm, espically after all he did for us." Someone called out from the back.

Victoria smiled as she opened the door to the small room and pushed the pram in, putting it to the side.

As she turned to face the family, her eyes widened upon seeing Ada sat beside Polly.

"Oh my, Ada!" She said with a chuckle.

They both rushed over to one another and wrapped their arms around one another.

"I can't believe you're here!" Victoria smiled as she pulled away from their hug.

"Well Tommy called and said that I was needed here, so I came straight down." Ada nodded as she sat back down, Victoria taking a seat on the other side of her.

Tommy smiled as he sat down beside Arthur, Timothy in his arms.

"Well everyone, I would like to formally introduce Timothy Owen. That being said I would also like to announce that myself and Victoria have decided to give it another go." Tommy nodded as he handed Timothy to Arthur.

"He's definitly a Shelby." Arthur chuckled as he propped his cap onto the babys head for a moment before lifting it back off again.

They all smiled as they watched the older Shelby brother lovingly watch his nephew grip onto his finger.

While they all took their turns in meeting the new arrival, Victoria and Ada got into a light chat.

"So I hear you moved up London way with the lad Thorne?" Victoria smirked nudging her softly.

"I got pregnant so we ended up getting wed and decided living up London was better for us as a family." Ada nodded as she pulled a photo from her bag.

"This is Karl Thorne, just over 3 months old, should be around the same age as your Timothy." She continued holding out the picture.

"He's absolutely beautiful Ada. Timothy and I will come up soon and meet the little one." Victoria smiled as she looked down at the photo.

"Victoria." Tommy mumbled from the other side of the room, catching her attention.

"Should we just tell them now?" He mouthed taking his cap off as he laid it on the table.

She smiled in response and nodded her head.

"Well that isn't our only news." Tommy called out, getting all of their attention.

"You havent got her pregnant again so soon?" Polly asked raising her glass to her lips as she looked from both of them.

Victoria chuckled shaking her head, "not quite yet."

"Since Timothy is registered as an Owen we have decided to change his surname. That way when Victoria and I get wed, he will share our surname. Timothy Owen Shelby." He finished as he raised his glass up a little.

"Timothy Owen Shelby." They all cheered raising their glasses.

They all continued to pass the new arrival around, admiring him just as much as the first time around.

Just as Tommy got to hold him again, Harry the barman opened the door, poking his head around.

"Victoria, there is an american man here to see you, he said to bring Timothy if you had him with you." He nodded before leaving the room again.

Victoria frowned slightly as she stood up, thinking about who it could be.

"I'll come with you." Tommy stood, keeping the baby in his arms.

They both stepped out of the room and she looked around, searching for any familiar faces.

Her eyes stopped upon finding who she was looking for.

Tommy followed her gaze and his jaw tightened when he saw a well dressed and groomed man stood at the bar.

"Tommy I think it's best if you go back in there." She mumbled, her eyes not leaving the american.

"Who is he, darling?" Tommy asked as he held Timothy to his chest.

Before she could respond to his question, the american caught sight of her and walked over to her with a smile.

"My my Victoria, you do look beautiful. Now where is little Timothy?" The american asked as he looked down at Tommy, confusion setting in when he saw who he was holding.

"Edward, this is Thomas Shelby, Timothy's father." She nodded steppping back slightly.

"Why haven't you come home yet?" Edward asked looking down at her.

She sighed and shook her head, "I am home. Small Heath is my home, I can't take Timothy away from his father."

Tommy wrapped one of his arms around her waist and raised an eyebrow, "if you have a problem with that then please wait outside. I wouldn't want my son around such violence."

"No violence needed. I just needed the truth, now I have it and I shall be on my merry way." Edward spoke finishing his drink off before walking to the door.

Victoria had a feeling something else was going on, but worrying about what could happen would busy up her mind from important matters.

"When we get home, you better tell me who that bastard was." Tommy mumbled before walking back to the small room.

She followed him back into the room and closed the door behind them.

"It was just someone about a job." She nodded, erasing the confusion from everyone elses face.

However she couldn't bear to look over at Tommy, knowing the anger he had would be building up, ready to explode.

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