Wedding Bell Blues.

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{Taissa's Pov.}

I don't want to open my eyes, even if I should. It's a sunny day, here in New Jersey. Birds are singing and everything seems heavenly and it is, but not today. God, not today. I should be in New York, drinking hot coffee with Eric, not here at my parent's house. But that's what happens when your house is flooded and your boyfriend breaks up with you, I guess. Whatever. I open my eyes. I did it. I'm great. Wait, did I just say I'm great because my eyes are open? My goodness, I need some rest for sure.

"Taissa, are you awake?" my mom asks, smiling at me, meltingly.

"Yeah." I say, annoyed. I love my mom, but it's 8 AM, Jesus Christ.

"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" asks, concerned.

"Mom, please. I don't want to talk about it."

"I get it. Anyway... your friend Emma's downstairs. She said she wants to talk to you, so I think you should stand up."

My friend Emma? Maybe I'm still sleeping and this is just a nightmare. So realistic, though.

"Emma... who?" I ask, puzzled.

"Roberts. Yes, Julia's niece."

What the actual...

"Oh, sure. Tell her I'm coming. I'm wearing a pajams with bunnies. Always remember: pajams with bunnies are never a good idea."

My mom laughs, heading downstairs. I can hear Emma's voice and still can't believe that she's here. I mean, here in New Jersey. With her heels, I bet.

After 15 minutes or so, I'm downstairs. Emma's sitting next to one of my sisters, Laryssa. 

"Tai!" Emma says, way too loudly. Jesus, woman, it's too early.

"Emma, hey. What... what are you doing here?" Oh, man. She looks like Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde and I look like Robin Williams in Mrs. Doubtfire. Well, good morning.

"I need to talk to you, girl. About my wedding." Says, smiling widely. 

"Don't worry, Em. I'll be there, I promise. I'd never miss it, you know that, right?" I say, trying not to sound hysterical. C'mon. My boyfriend broke up with me last week and now I have to stay here, listening to her talking about her wedding. How nice.

"I'm not worried, T. Look, I need to ask something which is really, really important. Your sister Vera told me you organized your sister Laryssa's wedding. Is that right?".

"Well, I just... I helped the wedding planner, yes." I say, carefully. Oh God. No. I feel bad vibes, here.

"Okay, wonderful. Anyway, now Laryssa was showing me the photos and you did... oh, Taissa. You did a heavenly job! So, I want you to organize my wedding, too!"

Sweet Mother of God. No. Nononononononono. No. It's not going to happen. What's in this girl's mind? Yes, I helped to organize my sister's wedding, but c'mon, she's my sister! Also, Evan and I aren't even friends and Emma and I aren't close for sure.

So, I won't do that. No.

"Oh, she'd be glad!" my mom says, with happiness in her eyes. Why, woman.

"I... I don't know." I shake my head, slightly. 

"C'mon, Taissa, you're lots of things, but most of all, you're: an amazing actress, a romantic soul and a wonderful wedding planner. It'd be fun, sis!" Laryssa says, leaning a hand on my shoulder.

"Pleaseeeeee, T!" Emma says, smiling.

I'm in deep shit. If I say no, Emma won't stop annoying me and I won't stop being annoyed. Ha.

Maybe... maybe it'll be a good idea. Being with Evan and Emma, helping them. It'd be... nice.

"I...I accept. Yes, I will do that." Duh.

"OOOOH MYYYYY GODDDDDDDDDD!" Emma screams, cheerfully. "YOU'RE THE BEST!" after she that, she hands my two tickets.

"What does it mean?" I ask.

"You're going to NYC with me, silly girl. You can't plan the wedding here, don't you think?" she can't stop smiling. Her mouth is so... big. Whatever.

I nod, slightly.

"Okay, just... give me the time to pack my things up." 

"Oh sure, I'll be here, waiting for you."

Yeah, awesome.

I head upstairs, puzzled than ever.

After an hour, I'm ready. Ready to leave my family one more time, ready to go back to New York.

I'm just... ready.

So, here it is: Me, Taissa Farmiga, will plan the wedding of Emma Rose Roberts and Evan Thomas Peters.

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