But as soon as her feet touched the could floor, her legs gave out, a grunt emitting from her as she quickly released the heart monitor and grasped the railing of the bed, hearing the clang as the metal rod fell to the floor, most likely breaking the machine. Her breathing was heavy as she stopped herself from landing on her ass, her arms shaking because of her weight, but she refused to give in. Quick breaths emitted from her, straining as she pulled herself up, which was slower than what she would have liked, but she felt the need to push through. With her arms still shaking, she planted her feet as best as she could, her knuckles turning white because if the grip she had on the railing, her gaze lowering to the floor as a dizzy spell washed over her. She closed her eyes, preventing herself from seeing the spinning floor, willing herself to slow her breathing, taking in air through her nose, and letting it out through her mouth.

The shaking in her arms slowly subsided, causing her to slowly open her eyes, watching as the floor slowly stopped spinning, allowing her gaze to turn to her arms, seeing a few needles puncturing her skin. She reached out, grasping the needles and slowly pulling them out of her arm, doing the same with the other, letting them fall to the floor, releasing out another slow breath. Riley's head turned in the direction of the bathroom, seeing that it was only a few feet from where she was, her eyes trailing over the floor, to her feet, then back to the bed, which was obviously sturdy enough to support her weight. She nodded to herself, her left hand slowly leaving the railing, grasping the edge of the bed as tight as she could. Her right hand followed, looking down at her feet for a moment, letting out a slow breath as she willed herself to drag her left foot a few inches away from her right.

Riley smiled to herself, doing the same with her right, finding herself scooting around the bed while holding on, her breathing slightly heavy, but determination filled her. But as soon as she was facing the direction of the bathroom, she knew that it was the moment of truth. And she saw it happening in two ways.

1.) Because she was so weak, she could fall on the floor and possibly bust her head open
2.) She could make it to the bathroom and succeed in her mission.

She knew there were no nurses or doctors around, if there were, then they would have been in the room as soon as they saw movement when they passed by the door. And no one passed by the door. Riley looked at the bathroom, pushing herself off the bed and stumbling in that direction, tripping over her own feet, but catching herself on the doorframe of the bathroom, a breathy laugh emitting from her, not caring that her shoulder made contact with the hard wood. She continued on her way, using the wall as leverage, sliding into the bathroom and grasping the sink, closing her eyes as she controlled her breathing, shaking her head slightly as she looked ahead, seeing her reflection in the mirror.

There was a small scar on her right cheek bone, but you wouldn't be able to notice unless you actually focused, but Riley easily saw it. She didn't have any other scars or blemishes, her dark chocolate brown hair had gotten longer than she remembered, flowing down to the middle of her back. But she remembered it being a little past her shoulders. Her doe brown eyes trailed over the reflection, her triple pierced earlobes had their earrings and a black nose ring in her left nostril, she looked the same as she remembered. But she also didn't understand something, if she was in the hospital, then she figured her piercings would be out, unless someone else put them in for her.

The hospital gown was obvious, thankful that she was actually wearing underwear, but nothing else. She looked down at the faucet, reaching out and turning the handle, suppressing a flinch as it sputtered, cold water flowering out, causing her to quickly lean down, puting her mouth under the faucet and drinking the water, cupping her hand next to her mouth to help. A small caught emitted from her, but she kept drinking, panting slightly when she got her fill, clearing her throat as she turned the water off and stood straight. A small sniffle emitted from her, tucking a lock of hair behind her ear glancing at herself in the mirror once more, turning around and heading out of the bathroom, using the wall as leverage.

Riley looked around the room, a small breath emitting from her nose, her eyes landing on a black duffle bag that was resting on a chair across the room and a black backpack on the floor next to it, her eyebrows furrowing slightly, shuffling in that direction. Her bare feet dragged on the floor, grasping the arm of the chair, swinging herself over and sitting down in the empty chair next to the duffle bag, letting out a huff. But she wanted to move quickly, grasping both arms of her chair and pushing herself up, adjusting her position as she looked at the duffle bag, seeing a note on top of it. Reaching out, she grasped the corner of the note, picking it up and looking it over, instantly knowing who had written it,


If yer reading this, then ya've woken up. Just know that I tried like hell to get ya outta that damn hospital. It's been two years since ya've been in tha' coma, I don' know how much time passed since I left this for ya to read. But read this carefully, Merle and I er' fine, we're alive. Somehow, the dead 'ave risen, eatin' other living people.

I know this don't sound rational, but this is true. Be careful out there. Don' let them bite er scratch ya, or you'll die and turn and I can' even bare to think o' that, if ya turned into a walker. In the bag, contains some supplies that will last fer a few days, flashlights, batteries, clothes, a few books, water, food, and a knife, please be careful out there and know, that when ya wake up, I'll be waiting for ya to find us.

But I hope ya don't wake up. I hope ya don't wake up to this world.

Yer best friend,

P.S, - aim for the head, but don't go to the city. Walkers will be everywhere'

When Angels Fall: D.D Where stories live. Discover now