Chapter 2-Hogwarts

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Chapter 2 
           I look out of the car and see the small little inn that my mom was referring to. When we walk inside, I wasn't expecting to see wizards and witches working and cleaning using magic. I watch their wands in wonder... what is my wand gonna look like?  But I guess I'm gonna gonna find out. My friends' mother told me that the wand chooses the wizard.

             After Mrs. Cannon taps the brick by the trash can, opening the way to Diagon Alley, I am dumbfounded. I can't believe I'm doing this. Callie and I look at each other, our eyes wide.

After getting scrolls and books
          Time to get our wands! We walk into Olivander's, and see that we have to wait a moment. Some boy about our age with jet black messy hair with glasses is getting his wand.

            After Mr. Olivander lets me try out some wands, I finally find the perfect one. We both did. Mine is 12 inches, unicorn hair core, and alder wood. Callie's is 11 inches, dragon-heartstring core, and made of applewood. Interesting names in my opinion, but it is so fascinating! It really is beautiful. (Both new)

         We walk out of the wand shop, so we can make our way to Madam Malkin's, a robe shop. This day is just unbelievable. I keep expecting to wake up.

           As we walk through the little door with Mrs. Cannon, I see some blonde boy getting his robes with what seems to be his mother. I've got to say... he wasn't bad looking, and he looked about my age. His mother says, "Draco, how is this one?" He, Draco, looks back at his mother and says, "It's fine, mother!" She sighs and goes and pays for the robes she has in her hands along with the other ones.

           Draco looks at us and narrows his grey-blue eyes, "Who are you?" I'm taken aback by his tone. I've literally been here for less than 5 seconds and he's already being rude. "I'm Olivia. Now who are you?" I already knew the answer, but I had to do that so I'd have something to say. He smirks, "You already found out, didn't you?" Callie and I look at each other and roll our eyes and walk away. "Git," I mutter under my breath as we turn away. Draco asks arrogantly, "Care to repeat that?" I don't stop to answer.

After Getting Robes
          I'm almost sad to leave Diagon Alley. It's like going to Florida, but on the day you have to leave and you feel like disappointed that you can't stay longer. But then going to Hogwarts in a few days, is like the week before summer vacation and you're in school with the days dragging on. I'm so so so so excited to go to a magic school. With a wand. With Callie. With new witches and wizards. But I guess I'm the only one excited for the classes and homework.

September 1- Hogwarts
          Today is the day I get on what they call the Hogwarts Express. It's at Platform 9 3/4, but while at Kings Cross, I'm not seeing it. They have every other platform except for this one. We need to hurry, because the train leaves at 11:00.

            Mrs. Cannon tells us to..... walk through the barrier after this big red-headed family. They take the trolleys they and we have and they just walk through the brick wall like it's nothing. How am I gonna scrounge up enough courage to trot through this wall?

            Callie and I give each other a look. I start counting down from three, "One... Two.... Three..." We run with our trolleys through the barrier and as we go through I feel a cold sensation all around my body, making me shiver. I can't believe my eyes. Now, on the other side, I see a lot of what I assume are witches and wizards of all ages. Some are Callie and I's age. But then I see the huge red train.

           After getting on the train with our things and saying goodbye to Mrs. Cannon, Callie's mother, I'm overcome with a new fright. Who should we sit with in which compartment? Then I hear what seems to be Draco's nasty drawl. (I know they Harry didn't meet him yet) "How dare you speak to me you filthy little mudblood!" My Mom told me that that was mean to say to someone muggle-born like me. "Leave her alone, Malfoy!" A male voice says. She, huh? I'm going and defending them.

             "Malfoy, just leave them alone or so help me I will get you back so hard with anything I can find," I claim forcefully. The blonde smirks at me and says, "Am I supposed to be afraid of you?" I walk up to him and smile at him sweetly, while taking out my biggest and thickest book. Draco's eyes widen and he walks away.

             I look into the compartment he was tormenting and see 2 boys and 1 girl smiling at us. The girl looks at me and asks, "Why don't you sit down in this compartment?" I nod at her kindness and motion for Callie to come in here and sit, too. I shut the door and ask the others, "What are your names?" The girl states, "I'm Hermione Granger. This is Harry Potter," she points to the black-haired boy with glasses, "This is Ronald Weasley," she points to the red-haired one. "Hermione! Don't call me Ronald," Ron says to Hermione. She rolls her eyes and takes out a book.

          The train lurches a bit and then stops. I open the compartment door and say, "Hermione? Don't let Malfoy bring you down with the word 'mudblood'. I'm muggle-born, too," I say to her. She smiles at me but that smile quickly fades when she looks behind me. I turn around to see Malfoy (Draco btw). "Oh you're a mudblood too? Just another person along with Granger to tease," he says, his permanent smirk getting somehow wider. I look at him with a sweet fake smile again. "What are you-" he starts before I knee him in the gut (I was by the sliding door, where he walked in) and he groans and aims to punch me but Callie's too quick for him. She grabs his arm in a tough grip and twists it gently but powerfully. As we all slide past him and his cronies, I whisper softly in his ear, "Mess with my friends or me, and you'll regret it... Malfoy." He looks at me with a shocked face, making me grin. For real.

           After getting off the train, I see the castle for the first time. It-its just beautiful. I'm speechless as I look at it.

            "First years over 'ere! First years follow me," this really tall man says gruffly. I walk up to him, hand in hand with Callie. After it seems he has all the first years, including Ron, Hermione, Harry, and Malfoy, he starts toward this huge lake with boats in it. We make it over there, and each get in a boat with 5 or 6 people in each. We all get in the same one, and we are off towards the castle. It's actually really scary on these thin boats at night on the water.

               We walk into what the tall man, Hagrid he tells us his name is, calls the Great Hall. It's this huge room with 4 tables, and one stage-like thing with chairs with what I assume are teachers in the chairs. But in the middle is a older man, with a super long grey beard. This is gonna be interesting.


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