1-Miki and the Cat

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Miki walked down the dark ally way with a bag of groceries in one hand. With the other hand, she scrolled through her phone and liked various pictures on social media. After a few more likes, she received a message from her friend, Tsubasa.

"You might wanna hurry home. Ayaka is hungry and wont stop asking where you are. I'm about ready to throw her out the window ;)"

She huffed and typed her response. "U better not or ur dead," and hit send. She put her phone in the pocket of her grey sweater and started to jog down the path. She looked left and right at every intersection but continued to run forward.

"Well, well, well," Someone said from behind Miki. "What do we have here?" Miki stopped and turned around. Behind her were three intimidating men who towered above her. The two on the end were clearly minions of the one in the middle. She glared at them.

"Oh, no! She's mad at us! What are we gonna do!!" One of the minions laughed.

"I don't know Kaaz. I think her orange hair is just to much to handle OH!!!" The left guy mocked.

"Oh!  Nom!!  What about her height!! She's got to be under 5 foot!!" Kaaz laughed.

"Both of you! Shut up!!" Kaaz and Nom stopped laughing. "Remember why we are here!"

"Why's that? To try to intimidate little girls that can totally take you down?" Miki smirked.

"B-boss? She isn't afraid! Do we just go to plan B?" Kaaz asked nervously.

"You wont need a plan B. She is just talkin' big so we will run off," Boss replied.

"You don't think I cant smell it on ya, dontcha? " Miki gently dropped her bag onto the ground and popped her knuckles.

"Smell what?" Nom snapped.

"Man, you really do stink! Have you ever heard of breath mints?" Miki crossed her arms.

"That's it, I'm goin' in!!" Kaaz ran up to Miki but he changed. Instead of normal eyes, they changed to all black with red pupils. He had a solid green tentacle coming out from his back that pointed at Miki as he sprinted.

However, he stopped before he got close to Miki. His legs were cut clean off from the rest of his body and he let out a terrible cry. A whip like object smashed down on Kaaz's head and silenced his screams with a bloody mess.

"Next?" Miki asked. The Whip turned out to be  a tail connected to Miki; A Bikaku in the ghoul world.

"You're a ghoul too huh?" Boss laughed. His eyes changed from normal to black and red. "But you're not the only one with a Kagune," From his shoulder blades emerged a wide set of wings. They were dark grey and had a metallic glow. Small streaks of gold ran along the edges of his kagune. The other guy, Nom, had one, too. His kagune came from his back much like Kaaz's did, except his was solid blue.

"Ha!  I'll warn you once. If you want to keep your heads, then I'd back off now. I'm just trying to-" Miki was cut off by Nom's fist buzzing by her face. She stepped backwards and grabbed Nom's arm with one had, and snapped it with the other. He shouted out in pain and fell on his side. He jabbed his Kagune forwards at Miki's face and she blocked it with hers. 

"Who the hell are you?" Nom shouted as he jumped back up. His arm dangled by his side.

"Hm, you don't get out much," From behind Miki emerged a orange cat from a box. She turned around and stroked its back. "Haven't you heard of the Cat?"

"Yeah? That one ghoul that the CCG has been tracking for weeks?" Boss answered for him.

"Yeup, that's me," She turned her head towards Boss and his head flew off with one quick swipe from her kagune.

"AHHH!!" Nom screamed loudly. He fell to his knees and sobbed.

"Now, you have a choice," Miki spoke to Nom "You can either shut up and live, of I can put you out of your misery,"

"What one would you prefer mighty cat!" He mocked. He sneered up at her with his face covered in tears.

""Id prefer you to chose," She picked up the cat and pet its back once again. "But I would do you the same as my friends."

"And that is?"

"Help them and end their pain," Nom's sobbing was silenced. Miki turned and picked up her groceries, leaving the cat behind with the three bodies.

"Great," she sighed. "My skirt has blood on it," She walked in silence the rest of the way home.


Ok and that's all for the first chapter!! I'm sorry if this is poorly written, its rather difficult for me to start stories with really good imagery. Please let me know what your thoughts are and if you have any tips/recommendations! I'm super excited  with what I plan to do with this  story ~♪

Tokyo Ghoul New Worldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें