trip down memory lane

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Ty-Trek enteres the chat
Japan joined as well
Nana joined the room

Nana: oh hey whats up guys?

Ty-Trek: promotions as usual

Japan: yeah. It's interesting in Mexico
Anyways, Jaemin how are you holding up?

Nana: I'm feelimg better I guess
I mean, I miss being with the dream kids.
I watched their NCT LIFE and it seemed so fun
Reminded me of out first NCT LIFE in bangkok

1 entered the room

1: i heard something about thailand

Japan: yeah we were just talking about the first season of nct life

Ty-Trek: yeah that season was fun

1: yeah it was. Taeil cried xD

Nana: lmao yeah, cant forget that

Handsoap has joined the chat

Handsoap: whats the party here for?

Ty-Trek: you take the photo WITH the fan, not OF the fan hansol -.-

Handsoap: Yuta~ stop this bully for me~

Japan: did you forget santooi again babe?

Handsoap: I hate you all
I hate Yuta even more because he insulted me and called me babe at the same time

Nana: awwe its okay Hansol!

Japan: love you too babe ✌

1: yeah dude, just dont forget it again!

Handsoap: dont forget to smile when saying your greeting Tae -_-

Ty-Trek: Hey! I was emo back then!

Handsoap: and you still are. Glad to see you havent changed

Nana: ooOOOooO burn

Japan: good one babe

1: bwaahaha yeah Taeyong!

Ty-Trek: seriously! I hate this group. Why am I leader

Nana: cuz ur booming our systems up

Japan: ...

Handsoap: ...

1: ...

Ty-Trek: ...

Nana: ...

Japan kicked Nana out of the chat

Handsoap: that was rude

1: lmao it was funny tho

Daddy joined the chat

Daddy: hurry up and debut hansol

Dadd left the chat

Handsoap: something's wrong with that kid.
I wish I could control when I would debut!

Ty-Trek: why dont just ask Lee So Man?

1: bruh aint that scary?

Handsoap: ...
Good idea

Handsoap has left the chat

Japan: what~ im coming with you so you dont die

Japan has left the chat

Ty-Trek: so ten. You and I eh?


1 has left the chat

Ty-Trek: they always leave ㅠㅠ

Ty-Trek left the chat

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