Chapter 11 - Marcy

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Marcy's POV

It had been five days since we started keeping Sam in a cell. I hated to think of her as a prisoner, since she was my own sister, so I usually tried to sugar-coat everything to myself. Today was the second time we had allowed Sam outdoors, they had taken Sam out yesterday while I was at school because they thought maybe something would happen and I could be surprised when I got home with good news, but of course not. Things could never be that easy. So today I had gotten Raven to agree to take Sam outside again with me.

“So what are we going to do about school?” Raven asks, turning to me while we’re guarding Sam, or Sam’s body at least. I still refuse to believe that it’s actually Sam, my sister, doing all this. And if it is, she’s just confused still.

“We’re going to school, of course! What kind of question is that?” I say back sarcastically to Raven, really was she just going to ask if we could skip?

Raven glares at me and I raise an eyebrow back at her before she answers me. “I know that, Mar. What about her?” she asks, pointing at Sam who was standing nearby. I’m sure Sam was listening in on what we were saying.

Sam glared at us, but I tried to act like I didn’t notice and it seems Raven was doing the same.

I let out a long sigh, “I don’t know, Raven… I need to talk to Marc about this since he’s the temporary leader of Sam’s coven.” That was the only thing I really ever said when people asked me about Sam, “I need to talk to Marc.” I wasn’t experienced with vampires yet, they still made little sense to me in a lot of ways, so how was it fair for me to make decisions for her? It wasn’t, so I’m going to leave it to Marc.

“Yeah, that’s what you say about everything. Jake won’t do anything about her since he doesn’t want to upset you and you won’t do anything, someone needs to start acting like a leader, and I don’t want to be led by a vampire.” Raven spat at me.

I snorted at her, “Watch your tone. Whether you like it or not, I’m your Luna now.” I hated having to use that tone on my friends.

“Yeah, I know that too.” She said in a tone but I decided to let it slide. I had enough to worry about right now without adding fighting with my only girl friend to it.

For a second I glance around my surroundings and notice something is off.

“Shit! We lost her!” I yell and begin frantically looking for her, along with Raven.

“Come on I think I’ve got her scent!” I say and take off running, shifting to my wolf after a few steps, I hear Raven behind me as well.

After a few minutes of running I start to get nervous. What if we really lost her? She can’t be far away, right?

“Sam, get away from him,” I vaguely pick up on a voice warning  Sam.

Fuck, this is bad!

“George, run! Hide!” The same voice yells and I push my legs to run faster, I can’t let her hurt someone.

I arrive at the scene to see Sam being held down by someone and George yelling in the distance for Jacques, who I can hear yelling back somewhere close by.

Within seconds, Jacques shows up with Marc and together Raven, Marc and I surround Sam before Marc stabs a syringe in her neck and injects the dark blue liquid into her, making her black out almost instantly.

I decide not to bother with Jacques and George, they’ve gone through enough lately, so I shift back and watch as Marc carries Sam back towards the house and I quickly pull on a shirt and a pair of shorts before heading back to the pack house.

I walk inside slowly and drag myself up the stairs and into Jake and I’s room. I really don’t want to face him.

I push the door open slowly and walk inside, ignoring Jake’s presence. I take a seat on the side of the bed and stare at my hands. Jake slowly gets up and walks over, sitting down next to me and pulling me close to him.

“Marcy…” he starts. I’ve heard this a lot the past few days, and I’m done hearing it.

“No! Jake I’m done with this! I’m done with you trying to get me to move on! I’m not giving up on her! I know she’s there and I’m not stopping until I have my sister back!” I screamed, a few stray tears making it out of my eyes and down my face as I jump up, standing to face Jake.

“Marcy, we can’t do this forever! I know you feel like this is your fault, but it’s not! You can’t help this, we need to move on and let it be!” Jake argued with me.

“No. I’m not going to just ‘let it be’. Sam’s in there and I’m not giving up on her! I know she is…” I trailed off, tears streaming down my face by now, Jake stood up and pulled my into a hug but I stood rigid nest to him no matter how much I wanted to melt into him. I wasn’t going to just submit to him and give up.

“Marcy, we need to stop this….” Jake trailed off, trying to soothe me by rubbing my shoulder.

I thrashed my shoulder so his hand was gone and glared at him, “No.” I said before storming out of the room and down to Sam’s cell.

As I got closer to the cells, I heard music softly playing and  remembered having someone bring Sam her violin, in hopes that maybe somehow that would remind her of her past.

I walked faster as I approached the door, carefully pulling the thick leather glove on to open the door before entering.

Did she remember? Is my sister back?

My mind raced as I tip toed down the stairs to where I could see Sam’s cell, hope building in me.

At the foot of the stairs, standing in the doorway I gasped as I saw Sam playing a beautiful song on her, our, father’s old violin.

Unfortunately, my gasp seemed to make Sam’s monster gain control again and put the violin away immediately before sitting back down on the cot and staring blankly at the grey  wall ahead of her.

“Sam, if you’re there-”  I took a deep breath, “-please know that I’ll never hate you. Don’t leave me, sis.” I said weakly, tears forming in my eyes.

I waited a few minutes, hoping that maybe somehow Sam would be able to push through again and just give me a little more hope, but I guess that little bit I got was all I was getting.

Probably all I was getting for quite a while.

With that thought, I sighed and left to go on a much needed run.

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