Chapter Two

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I woke up three hours later. I had that gross feeling in my mouth that you always get after a nap. I think that's the only downside to taking a nap is the feeling of confusion and grossness you get afterwards.

I looked at the television and saw that the news was on. I didn't pay much attention to it, and I sat up and went to my bedroom.

I lived in a two bedroom one bath apartment, which is weird seeing as I live by myself. Sometimes Julio will sleep over with Marcia if he needs to get away from certain things. Sometimes it's just him. I keep a bed in the spare room just incase.

I walked into my room. The thing was a mess. My bed was unmade and I had piles of tights and shoes and leotards all over the floor. Today was laundry day for me, looks like cleaning must be done.

I grabbed some sweatpants, a shirt, and some underwear and  took a shower.

I'm usually a mess, and that's not just with my clothes. I rally clean anything. If it wasn't for Julio always telling me I needed to clean or I would find mice in my bed, this place would be a mess.

I get lonely sometimes. I guess it's my own fault, seeing as I haven't even attempted dating someone since high school.

The last girl I dated was my first girlfriend, and seeing as I haven't come out to the world yet, I just didn't look for anyone. I told my family, Julio, Marcia and Worant, but that's it. Not even anyone I went to high school with knows, except my ex obviously. She wouldn't tell anyone, seeing as she still hasn't come out.

We dated in secret, said we were studying. She broke up with me after five months because I didn't have enough time for her, due to dance.

I guess that's when I stopped. I realized dance would get in the way of all my relationships and I just didn't want to deal with that. It's not like coming out would be a big deal either, it just never feels like the right time.

There are a lot of rumors that me and Julio are dating, which really gets on my nerves, and his. Julio says, "it's like they totally ignore Marcia, like she's not even there."

Marcia doesn't seem to care. I think is because she knows how much Julio loves her and how gay I am.

I want someone like her to fall in love with. Doesn't care that I have dance every day, or that I travel around the world for competitions, or that me and Julio are really close.

I sighed and started picking up my laundry and putting it into the basket.

I hadn't even been cleaning for five minutes when my phone rang.

"What's up," I answered, knowing it was Julio.

"I'm looking at engagement rings."

I didn't say anything for thirty seconds. "You're what?"

"I don't know Bri! I couldn't help myself."

"Well, get out of the store now. Are you outside? Did you leave the store?"

"Yeah yeah I'm out." I could hear the cars going by outside through the phone.

"Listen to me. I know that you're thinking about marriage, but you're so young!"

"I know."

"Get a promise ring. That's the best option," I really hoped that's what he was going to do.

"Shut you're right that's a better idea. Thanks Bri I owe you."

"No you don't. Aren't you supposed to be at dinner anyway?"

"Marcia had to switch the time to a little later so I was killing time."

"Ah. I'll see you tomorrow okay? Can't wait to hear all about it."

"Bye Bri," and I hung up the phone.

I went back to putting clothes back into the basket when my phone rang again. Why does everyone call me when I'm trying to actually do something?


"Bri we have confirmation worlds is on March Third!" Worant said. There was so much joy in voice.

"Really? That's great, did you tell Julio?" I asked.

"Yep just talked to him. We're going to extend class till 3 now. Also were adding in a group dance for the show. I'll let you know any more details as soon as I get them. I'm so excited!"

"Me too." I said and we hung up, me double checking about tomorrow's class first.


The next day came pretty fast. I was up late watching Netflix, and the sound of my alarm going off wasn't pleasing.

I made a bagel and packed my dance bag. Luckily I was able to finally do my laundry yesterday.

I texted Julio to tell him I was leaving soon. He responded retry quick saying he wanted to grab a coffee before hand. I don't drink coffee, but Julio sucks them down like nobody's business. It's a wonder how he still has perfect teeth.

I got in my car and glanced out the window before starting the car. There was a particular girl in my building whom I found pretty interesting, but I didn't dare talk to her. She leaves the same girl as me, but her car was already gone when I got down to the parking area. I must've missed her.

There's never good music on the radio this early in the morning. Just talk stations and oldies, like the really old oldies.

I got to Julius in no time and he hopped in the car, but kissed Marcia goodbye first.

"You're lucky she gets up this early just to say goodbye," I said.

"I tell her not to, but she never listens." I saw the sleek on his face. "Did you see the mysterious 6 am girl today?"

Julio gave nicknames to all my little fascinations and such. He's been calling her 6 am girl since the first day I told him, which I knew would be a mistake, seeing as nothing is more amusing to him then making fun of me.

"No I missed her. How was you're date last night?"

"Amazing, it always is. The food was a little too fancy for me. I barley could pronounce half the things on the menu."

"So what did you end up getting?"

"Some type of fish that wasn't too bad. Mar got some type of soup. The whole thing was pretty funny because we didn't know I anything."

"Well I'm sure people would be so surprised that you never go anywhere fancy, seeing how rich and famous you are," I said mockingly.

Julio cracked a smile and shook his head. "People will assume whatever makes them happy." 

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