Chapter 18

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Mackenzie's POV

My bubblegum popped against my lips. I was laying on my bed, looking at my bare roof. Until a few months ago every surface in my room was coated in Justin Bieber posters. But then the day I decided to change came about.


I ran into my room, slamming my door shut. Maddie and I had just gotten into another huge fight. I was so sick of her! And not to mention that everyone in my family always takes her side even though she's the slutty, mean bully in the school. Like what the hell! I stared at the giant Justin Bieber cut out standing against the wall. Without a second thought I rushed over to my desk and pulled out my trusty pocket knife Dad got me when I was 7. I slashed off Justin's head and arms. After ripping them up I scrunched up all the cardboard and dumped them in an empty plastic bag. I did the same to what was left of him. Next, I pulled down EVERY, SINGLE poster in my room and ripped up them as well.

After disposing of every 'old Mackenzie' item in my room I ran to my piggy bank. I was wise with money. I worked at a cafe that paid quite well so I wasn't exactly broke. I've been saving up because frankly, I don't like shopping. Well old Mackenzie didn't. I pulled out all my notes and shoved them into a wallet lying on my desk. I never really wear much makeup, never do my hair in anything but a pony tail and I wear basic, plain, appropriate clothing. But that was all about to change. I grabbed my bag and shoved my phone and wallet into it. I walked downstairs. Luckily I ran into no one because I'm probably grounded.

It was only a quick walk to the mall so before I knew it every clothes shop under the sun was looming in front of me. I wisely chose to go to Victoria's Secret first. I found some padded bras that should hopefully make me look, well not.. flat. I then went and bought every piece of denim and leather clothing I could get my hands on. After that I headed to a cosmetics shop and bought some eyeliner, eyeshadow, blush, concealer, powder, mascara and some lipgloss. As I was on my way out of the shop I spotted a rack of lipsticks practically calling my name. I walked over and picked out a bright red color. And when I say bright I mean BRIGHT! Since they were only a dollar I grabbed five tubes and some matching red nail polish. I quickly walked over to Target and got a curler and straightener for my hair. I also bought some bobby pins and clips because I didn't really own any of that stuff. Next, I got some red bows, flowers and ribbons for my hair. I then bought some leopard print Vans, black toms, black fatties with gold studs, a few pairs of heels and some red high top converse. I was ready to leave the mall when I had an idea. I quickly ran into a candy shop and bought 15 packs of pink bubblegum. Mom didn't approve of bubblegum so I figured I should stock up and hide it. I finally left the mall, satisfied I was ready.

** Back to reality**

That day I changed everything. My look, my room, my personality. I became 'popular'. I was like the Chloe of my grade. Brooke was my sidekick. She was like Paige, Maddie and Kendall rolled into one. And frankly she's better than all of them put together.


Sorry for the horribly written, boring, no one cares, filler chapter. But I figured hey no ones heard from Mackenzie in a while! And also I'm still brainstorming with the whole Chloe thing. Next chapter will basically be leading on from this one- same day, same POV, same time, same E V E R Y T H I N G! And don't worry after that chapter you will find out what's happening with Chloe. Oh the suspense! Lol anyways vote, comment, love Dance Moms, all that jazz! :)

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