Pandemonium Is Chaos

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Pandemonium wanted to part, at the next showing. Even though she had become close to the guys, she didn't think she could handle Oliver hooking up with someone. It was selfish, yes, but ever since the dare, she's just hand such impure thoughts about Oliver.

Pam knew the friend boundary, she didn't know  Oliver long enough to cross it. Given, he's handsome, loves to party, and probably other things time wouldn't give her to figure out, it wasn't somewhere she was willing to go.

Instead of cock blocking, Pam thought it'd be best to leave. How hard could it be? They've know each other for a short while, could the band-Oliver-be that attached that they-he- wouldn't let her go? Pam doubted it.


The infamous Oliver Sykes stood back waiting his turn for sound check. Why he was waiting outside? He didn't know. Usually he'd be inside, drinking shots with the guys and the fans.

Yet, he didn't want to deal with the groupies. Despite the attention, that he craved, loved. It didn't feel right, not tonight. Ever since the dare that happened earlier, Oliver couldn't decide whether to bring a girl back to the bus or not. His mind said no, but the mayor down south says yes.

For some reason he felt that he needed Pam's approval, did they grow that close in the span of a week? His mind sure thought so.

“I guess you missed that course on cold feet as well.” Oliver smiled before turning around, her voice was amazing too. Why did she make him go so crazy?

“You wish, I hope you're not afraid of the crowd.” Oli retorted rubbing his freezing hands, it was a cold day for October. A breeze passed, making him shiver slightly.

“Why would I be?” Pam asked arching an eyebrow in confusion.  Oliver wanted to bite his tongue off.

“Guys are gonna put you on stage tonight.” Pam chuckled, and then sighed, pulling her scarf closer to her chin.

“Well, I can't, I've come to say my goodbyes.” Pam peered down at the floor, moving toward the middle of the stage. Oliver's first thought-instinct-was to say no, something pulled him back from doing so.

“Why? I thought we were all having fun.”

“We are having fun, you guys are the best.” Pam starred beyond the stage, there was something beautiful and empowering about it, this is probably how the guys felt every single show. She smirked, flashing back between memories of this past astonishing week.

“Then why are you leaving?” Oliver asked, Pam still not meeting his gaze, it pissed him off a little. Not only was she not facing him, she was smiling about it, was their friendship a joke?

“The truth, I really don't know.” Pam turned to face Oli, she could tell he was angry.

“Then why can’t you stay? Was it because of the video the guys made? Because I can make them delete it.” It was like he was begging.

“What video?” Pam furred her eye brows.

“That’s beside the point. You don’t know why you’re leaving.”

“You don’t know why I’m not staying.” Pam tried to confuse him, trying to push him away. ‘It’d be easier this way’, she thought.

“Why are you hiding it?” Oli asked. He meant her feelings.

“Why are you?” She meant the same thing.


“Everybody, I want to see you guys get crazy in here!” Oliver yelled to his fans in the venue. Pam admired him within the crowd and started thrashing, knocking over a wannabe rocker chick, who snarled.

Without apologies, Pam moved past her to the back of the crowd, to crowd surf. Pam lied on her back, being pushed by everyone. When security reached out to grab her, she felt her hair being pulled. Pam’s head collided with the barrier bar, the last thing she saw before her lights went out, was blood.

Oliver saw the sight of Pam, then her blood. He stopped singing, and leaped off stage with the other band members, guards held them back from being pulled into the crowd.

Oliver could do nothing but watch her bleed out.

“Pam!” Oliver yelled,  but only his screaming fans called back.  


Dont hate me! o: it'll get better i promise! c:

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