Do i love you ?

37 3 1

alexs p.o.v

we went to the mall and to the salon i got my hair done and now it has red and electric blue highlights on it also is straighten and cut up to my waist i only cutted it a little but this time it was in layers i also cut my bangs which were getting to long .

we were now in the arcade i had gotten a lot of guy attention sense i was all done up but i ignored them and i thank lord that my brother got bored and left me with Kat but Kat is right now shopping while I'm at the arcade she didn't want to leave me alone but i convince her sense her aunts wedding is in a month and she needs a dress for it .

" hey baby , want to go to a bathroom i could show you a good time " i turned around to the guy who just told me that he wasn't ugly but he was buff not supper buff but buff.

" i sure as hell hope you aren't talking to me because i wouldn't go 2 feet of distance with you " i said looking at him disgustingly

"awe come on babe don't be like that i just want to give you some fun " he said getting closer to me i backed away but i felt the wall fuck he had me corned but i don't care.

" oh please the only think you give is a disses "

" you stupid little bitch " i saw his hand go up to hit me and i closed my eyes waiting for the in pact but it never came what i did feel was the guys weight go off me so that's when i opened my eyes.

" you touch her and it will be the last thing you touch" said the most husky and sexy voice ever. i looked up to see who the owner was and it was a totally hot guy around my age that looked like a total bad boy.

" come on man let me have some fun al share her if you want " said the stupid disgusting guy that made me want to barth.

when the guy finished his sentence the bad boys fist went to the guys gut

" you should respect girls " the hot guy said omg if i thought that Jayson was hot then this guy was a supermodel he had long black hair from what i can see he turned to face me and i saw his blue/violet eyes that felt like they were looking into my soul .

" we need to get out of here before security comes " as he said this a million butterflies were running threw my stomach just at the thought of his voice so when he grabbed my hand and we started running out of the arcade i almost had a heart attack.

as we ran all that i could think about was the strange sensation of tingles on my hand and throughout my body . i was so concentrated in this that when i realized were we were we had already gone across the whole mall.

" were are we going " i asked he immediately stopped and turned around his eyes made me feel like he was reading me like an open book and i couldn't figure out what i was thinking .suddenly he glared at me and le go of my hand it suddenly felt cold without his touch and i saw his hand inch towards mine but he stopped it before it reached.

" im leaving and i don't know were your going " he turned around to leave but i caught his wrist his eyes drifted towards were ma hand was and i self consciously let go his eyes then connected with mine i momentarily forgot what i was going to say but i got my composure back quickly.

" thank you ,for that back there " i said referring to that little encounter that we had just gotten.

" just take care of yourself please " he said .he then glared and walked away .

. WTH .

that's just rude i watched his retreating back head toward the other side of the mall i dot know why but something about him had  me wanting him here with me all the time .

i looked away and tried to figure out where i was i found out i was near and ice cream spot  i looked again and saw Kat phew  I'm OK now .but i didn't go over because i saw her flirting with a guy.

OK I'm definitely not interrupting that .as if Kat read my thoughts she looked back and signaled me much for interrupting her.

i walked over to her and waved at the unknown dude.

" hi " he said

" hi " i said

" OK lol well Nathan this is my bestie Alexandra but if you call her that she will rip your balls off so stick with Alex ,Alex this is Nathan i met him at a party once "

" what parties ? " i asked mostly cause she always drags me to party's with her "

" omg your home boys party you took me " she said looking at me like i should know that .

" home boys ? " asked Nathan

" yea i hang with a lot of guys  "

he lifted an eyebrow .

" not in the whorish way no more like i don't hang with plastic bitches way " i said to clear shit up.

" OK " he said

i turned to Kat .

" wheres the idiot " i said referring to my brother

just at that moment some one grabbed me from behind and spined me i can tell it was my brother by his shoes and i just laughed .

i heard a loud growl across the mall and when i looked up i saw the boy that had saved me from the guys at the arcade he was directly across us and he was glaring straight at me and my brother for some reason i didn't like him being mad at me but right now i didn't care . 

" boyfriend " asked Nathan

" eeewwww " me and my brother replied together.

" no there siblings " said Kat

i heard the growling all across the mall until my brother had let go off me

" lets go little sister "

" OK "

" Kat you coming "

. " yea , bye Nathan "

we went home and-took showers ,ate dinner and everything was normal the only thing that wasn't normal were the thoughts that i had that night, all i could think about was that mysterious boy.

why was he growling .

he sounded like a fucking were wolf .


he is a werewolf well maybe

i do know werewolves exist wanna know why ?  . . . . . . . . . . . .

cause I'm one and so is my brother .









PS fun fact : i love skateboarding

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2012 ⏰

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