Do i love you ?

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am sorry for not posting but i have been busy with school works i will  try to post more often n plz vote or comment .ok and i was thinking of deleting the story so if u don't want me 2 erase it then comment .

alex p.o.v

i looked at jay to see if he was kidding about saying that to me but as i stared at his green emerald eyes i saw one emotion . love . i was shocked but then i smiled .

" have you noticed we have been together for around three hours and we are already telling each other that we love them " i said .

" i don't know about you but i have loved you sense 7th grade and it has never changed " he replied and i could easily tell he was telling the truth by the look in his eyes

to say i was shocked was a understatement but i wasn't going to just sit there looking at him like a idiot . i giggled n said " wow ok . so what do you want to do because honestly i just want to go home and chill "


"babe you do realize you just giggled for the first time because of me " he told me with a smug and proud look in his face .

" shut it one word about this to anyone and you are not touching me for a month " i said as i exited the school parking lot . 

he smiled " its okay angel i wont say anything and lets just go home and watch a couple movies or we could do something way more fun in my opinion " he said the end with a full smirk planted on his face while he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively .

" do you seriously want my brother to come in and cut off your balls when he see's we are doing that " i said as i looked away to avoid his gaze .

" doesn't mean we cant kiss  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and besides there's a lock in your room " he said and my eye shot wide opened at the end of his sentence . i cant believe he just said that .

" i cant belive you said that you preverted ass " i screamed at him .

" aawww come on babe i know you like my perverted side and am only a pervert towards you and am aloud to be perverted towards you because i have the best best best girlfriend in the whole world that like's me and my whole perverted side " he said with smirk on his face .

i smiled when he said ' girlfriend '." ok ok whatever we are stopping this conversation right now " i said as a blush started creeping into my face .

" hey, angel, have i told you that you are the most beautiful girl in the world "

" compliments wont get you anywere sweetie "

" but you are and you also look sexy as hell in that uniform "

 " you better watch out what your saying before my brother catches you"

after i said that he just shut up untill we reached the house .

"hey what movie do you want to watch " he yelled from my room as i got some chips from the kitchen .

"titanic" i said knowing that its my favorite movie ever .

"oh come on thats such a chick flick why dont we watch any other" he said as he came in the kitchen .

" can we watch this one i really love this movie please " i said pulling on my best puppy dog face .he looked at me and shrugged .

"who the hell cares that its your favorite we are not going to watch it anyways sense we are going to be making out most of the time right and other things to " i just stood there looking at him .did he seriously just say that what happen to all the carrying and sweetness in his voice was that all to just get me .

" you have got to be fucking with me am so not going to be making out with you or other thing while the movie are you crazy what happen to all the sweetness and caring shit ." i was mad beyone compare i cant belive he was telling me this .

" oh come on that was just in front of your brother so that he dose not beat the fuck out of me . now be a good little girlfriend and lets go upstairs " he said as he moved towards me and started kissing my neck .why did i agrre to go out wirh him . i dont even feel the tingles for him i dont feel any thing but hatred towards him but i felt it sense the beging i just tryed to ignore it i knew thoose blushes were forced and not meant and i knew the tingles were also forced and not meant .at that moment i realised i was never in love with him it was just lust and cunfusion.

" get the hell off me you dirty man-whore " i yelled as i pushed him of me and ran to my room .once i got to my room  locked myself in and grabbed my phone .i could here him screaming to let him in as i dialed my brothers number i know this was cowardley but it was the best idea that i got . 

"maxi i need you at home now jayson was forcing himself on me and i ran up the stairs into my room .hurry. please fast " i told him as soon as he picked up .the tears were already falling down my face .

"its okay mimi stay there in your room dont go outside and i will be there in a second just stay there ."

"ok love you brother but please hurry up " i told him as i hung up the phone .i ran to my closet locked the doors from the inside and sat down as i tought about everything that happened today .







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